Chapter 7 - Return

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I stayed in Rochester for a week. They still hadn't found the person behind the murders or that girl Rosalie's disappearance. I'd started to wonder if maybe it wasn't a human behind the tragedies.

I only came out at night as, even though the sky was covered in clouds, I didn't want others to see a random girl walking the streets who left only 7 days after she first showed up.

On the last night I stayed in Rochester I decided to get some new clothes. No one was out so I ran at full speed across the street to a clothes shop. I tried the door but, as I'd suspected, it was locked.

Making as little noise as I could, I broke the lock and the door swung open. I stepped inside shutting the door, as best as I could, behind me. I headed straight to the young girls section.

Even though the shop was in darkness, I could see perfectly. I did love the powers being a vampire gave me. I didn't mind being a vampire really except that now I would never see Edward again, not even in the afterlife.

I picked up a few dresses in my size and quickly changed into one. I left the shop and broke into a different one. I took a rucksack to carry my clothes in and anything else I might pick up in the future. I carefully folded my new dresses and placed them in the bag before leaving Rochester.


After leaving Rochester I wanted to return to Angmering. I had left my mother's necklace, Edward's jacket and Father's watch as well as my sketch pad and clothes. I knew there wasn't much chance of them still being at the house because it had been many years since I had left. Everything had most likely been thrown away but I wanted to look just in case.

Once I reached the New York Port that I had arrived at, I changed back into my old dress to swim in so I wouldn't ruin one of my new ones.

I swam the Atlantic once more and arrived back in Liverpool. I held my breath the whole time so I could swim quicker.

After that I ran at full speed, without stopping, all the way to Angmering. When I got there it was dark.

As soon as I came to a stop in the village I knew something wasn't right. Though it was nighttime it was unusually quiet. Even with my vampire hearing, I couldn't hear a single person out or in any of the houses. Not even breathing.

I walked to my Grandparents' house and opened the door. No one was here. I walked up the stairs and into my old bedroom. It was exactly as I had left it. Nothing had been moved. I quickly grabbed Mother's necklace, Father's watch and Edward's jacket. I packed a few of my favourite items of clothing and my sketch pad and pencils before leaving my bedroom.

I entered my Grandparents' bedroom next. Everything was also in the same place it was the last time I was here. No one had been in this house. Strange. I would have thought someone else would have moved in by now. It had been about 20 years.

After leaving the house, I looked in a few of the others. They were still fully furnished, like my Grandparents' house, but were empty, and had been for quite some time. Angmering was a ghost town. It was all my fault. No one had moved in after the mass murder. I didn't blame them. Why would you want to move into a village where every single one of its inhabitants had been murdered?

I stepped out of one of the other houses and came face to face with two people dressed in long, black cloaks. The hoods were up but I could make out their facial features.

Pale skin, beautiful faces, blood red eyes. Vampires. One girl and one boy. They looked very similar.
"We've been waiting for you." The boy said.
"Me? Who even are you?" The boy's eyes flashed.
"Who are we? You don't know?"
"Just hurry up brother. I want to go home." The girl spoke for the first time. Before I could say anything else, a mist appeared, seemingly coming from the boy's hands and engulfed me.

The world went dark.


Shoutout to @LilRedSavage 🖤🖤🖤

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