Chapter 19 - Goodbyes

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We drove in silence for a few more minutes before we pulled up in front of Bella's house. We were all on high alert for any signs of James, but as Alice had predicted, we arrived before him.

Edward parked the jeep behind Bella's truck. "He's not here. Let's go," Edward told Bella. Emmett quickly released Bella's harness, giving her a smile full of brotherly love.
"Don't worry, Bella," Emmett said kindly, "we'll take care of things here quickly."

I noticed Bella's eyes were filling up as she looked up at Emmett then me. As she looked at Alice, the tears spilled over and rolled down her cheeks. Edward forced himself to turn away before Bella could meet his gaze.

"Alice, Emmett, Ellie," Edward said.
'Nothing's going to happen, Edward. It will be fine.' I assured him as the three of us got out he Jeep. Emmett ran to the right side of the house, I took the left.

Edward pulled Bella close to himself as he got her out of the Jeep. "15 minutes," he said softly as they approached the porch.
"I can do this," Bella said through her still flowing tears. My eyes were constantly darting around, looking for any sign of James.

My eyes weren't on Bella and Edward but I could still here everything that they said. "I love you," Bella whispered and I felt myself smile. "I will always love you, no matter what happens now."
"Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella," Edward promised.
"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this, and I want to have the chance to apologize later." And Bella would get the chance to apologise, there was no question in that.

I caught the faint sound of movement in the trees.I didn't know whether it was James or not.
"Get inside, Bella. We have to hurry," Edward pleaded.
"One more thing," Bella said "Don't listen to another word I say tonight!" Bella kisses Edward for a split split second before pulling away and violently throwing open her front door.
"Go away, Edward!" She screamed, slamming he door in his face. My eyes widened for a second before I realised it was part of her plan. After everything, she was still protecting us and making sure Charlie didn't think Edward had taken her away.

Edward flew round the side of her house and presumably up into her bedroom window.
"Leave me alone!" I heard Bella scream as she scrambled up the stairs.
"Bella, are you okay? What's going on?" Charlie yelled, knocking on her door that I assume she'd locked.
"I'm going home," she screamed.
"Did he hurt you?" Charlie asked. Of course that's the first conclusion he'd come to.
"No!" Bella cried.
"Did he break up with you?" Charlie asked
"No!" Bella yelled again.
"What happened, Bella?"
"I broke up with him!" she screamed.
"I'll be in the truck - go!" I heard Edward mutter, too low for Charlie to hear.

There was a snap of a twig and a rustle of leaves and my head whirled towards the sound. At the sound of a startled "What?" from Bella, a sinister laugh sounded from the trees. James was here. He was on Emmett's side of the house, though, not mine.

"We're here," Alice called, speaking to Edward but alerting James to our presence. James growled in the darkness. He wouldn't attack knowing we were all here.

"She called while you were out," Charlie said. They must be talking about Bella's mum. "Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop." There was another dry laugh and I growled into the darkness followed by a snarl from Edward.

We all came into view then and formed a group near Edward. Each of us growled menacingly into the darkness.
"I have a key," I heard Bella murmur as she started to open the door. "Just let me go, Charlie. It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!" Edward climbed into the passenger side of the truck.
I could see the pained expression on Charlie's face as I briefly glanced away form James. I quickly returned my gaze to him.

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