The Accident

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Zayn was finally strong enough to leave the hospital so he did just that. It was still early and Liam hasn't come to visit yet, thankfully. Zayn silently said a prayer of thanks for that as he walked to the front desk of the hospital and signed out. He walked briskly, taking long strides with quick steps toward the parking lot. When he entered, he scanned the lot, trying to locate his car. When he had spotted and unlocked his car, he immediately got in, closed the door, and plugged his phone in to charge.

After starting his car and turning on the radio to his favourite station, he drove slowly to the exit of the lot. Right before he pulled up, a small van pulled up at the entrance. Zayn read the license plate: 831LJP93. He glanced at the driver; Liam.

Shlt. Shlt. Shlt. He had to think, fast.

The lady at the booth who dealt with the incoming and outgoing flow of cars was busy talking to Liam. Zayn bent over to reach underneath the dashboard on the passenger side of the small car he owned and pulled out a SnapBack. He put it on backwards and turned a bit to the other side so that Liam would only be able to see the back of his hat.

After the lady was finished with giving Liam a parking permit, she turned to help Zayn.

Zayn turned his head slowly, making sure Liam had already driven into the lot. When he confirmed that he had, Zayn handed the woman a few bills for the parking fee and was on his way.

Finally, I'm free. Free from the hospital. Free from Liam.

He sent a quick text to Perald apologizing for being MIA (missing in action) and telling her that he'd talk to her soon. After pressing send, he dropped his phone underneath his seat and cursed under his breath.

It wasn't a problem until his phone began to ring rather loudly and annoyingly. It rang once and he ignored it. But it didn't stop; it rang about five more times and Zayn couldn't take it anymore. He had to get the phone but Zayn couldn't reach it and had to bend all the way down to grab it. He grabbed it and picked up.

"Hello?" Zayn said, annoyance filled his voice.

"HeyitsLiamareyouokaywhereareyouhowareyoudoingwhyarentyouinthehospitaliwassoworried" Liam spoke way to fast for Zayn to comprehend what he was saying.

All of this happened in two seconds and Zayn turned his attention back on the road. When he did that, a large semi truck flew down the high way and swerved into Zayn's lane, crashing into him and causing Zayn's car to flip over twice and land on the roof.


Zayn's POV

All I heard was the sound of breaking glass and Liam's voice yelling through the speakerphone from my smart phone. Liam was panicking, I could hear it from his his screams and cries.

My vision was blurry and my head was pounding. I could not move a muscle. I felt a warm liquid on the side of my head, my coffee must have spilled.

I couldn't believe my luck, I had just gotten out of the hospital and now I had to go back and stay there for what felt like an eternity whilst Liam was come, waltzing in everyday joyfully and I would lay there, annoyed and not saying a word.

I closed my eyes, the pain in my head was too much to bear. I began to fade as the soft sound of sirens got louder and louder.


Liam's POV

"ZAYN!! ZAYN!? HELLO?? WHAT'S GOING ON?? ARE YOU OKAY?? ZAYN MALIK. WHAT HAPPENED??? I NEED TO KNOW IF YOURE OKAY." I screamed into my phone. Out of breath, I began to sob.

I saw a ton of flashing lights and sirens nearby so I decided to drive there, maybe that's where Zayn was.

When I got there, the police were blocking the way already and mess were trying to figure out what they needed to do to rescue Zayn. I bolted in but was pulled back by a security officer who told me I couldn't go past the yellow tape.

Furious, I yelled at him, "IM HIS BOYFRIEND, LET ME IN."

He looked at me with a shocked expression, muttered an apology and let me approach the dumpy, hoodrat car Zayn drove.

I opened the door on the driver's side and crawled into the now upside down car. "Zayn?" I called to him, but got no reply.

I decided to check his vital signs, first breathing then pulse. He wasn't breathing and he had no pulse. I began yelling, hot tears streaming down my face. I was angry; angry at Zayn; angry because he didn't tell me he was leaving the hospital; angry that he got in a car accident because of that; angry because the result of it all was a beautiful angel who wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse; angry because Zayn was near death, if not dead already.

Balling my fists, I punched through what was left of the front window of the car. Then I yelled at the paramedics, "HURRY UP AND MOVE YOUR LAZY ARSES MY BOYFRIEND IS DYING IN THERE, IF NOT DEAD ALREADY HURRY UP AND DO SOMETHING."

No Zayn, you can't die now. I never got to tell you how much I love you.


Yay cliffhanger!!! I think this chapter isn't half bad, what do you think? (-:

Don't forget to check out the first chapter to my new ziam fanfic "Fireproof" and give me plot suggestions please!!!

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