Wedding Bells (Ending 1)

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A/N: HA SIIIIIIIKE! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OVER HUH? HEH I LIED!! ONE MORE CHAPTER!! Also, I was thinking about writing a sequel to this... like a continuation of this possibly? Idk, tell me what you guys think!

Liam's POV

Well, today is the big day - my wedding day...our wedding day.

I looked in the body length mirror that was in the dressing room and fixed my crooked tie. I was wearing black slacks, black suede shoes, a white button-down shirt, a black tie, a black suit jacket, and to top it all off, a small bunch of white flowers were pinned to my breast pocket. My hair was in a short mohawk and I held the rings in my right pocket.

We didn't invite many people, since we wanted this to be a small and meaningful wedding. I invited Danielle and her boyfriend, Niall, Calum, Ashton, and Harry. Zayn invited Josh, Louis, Luke, and Michael. They all said they'd be there.

I felt...happy for once in my life. I was looking forward to this so much. I couldn't wait to see Zayn walking down the aisle in whatever suit and tie he had picked out. I hadn't seen him in three days, since his mates decided to take him out on his last bachelor party; his last few nights out as a single man.

Soon a limousine with tinted windows pulled up on the curb. That must be them I thought to myself.

Ashton climbed out of the car, quickly paying the chauffeur and squealed, "LIAAAMMMM!" Him, Niall, Cal, and Harry bolted my way, pulling me into a right embrace and before I knew it was in a group hug with my four best lads in the world.

When they finally pulled away, after what seemed like an eternity, I saw Michael, Luke, Josh, and Louis get out of the limo, Zayn following them.

My eyes widened and pupils dilated.

I scanned his body, up-and-down, about 20 times before I stopped. He was wearing white dress shoes, white slacks, a white button-down, a white striped tie, white tux jacket, and a bunch of flowers were pinned onto his shirt as well. His hair was styled up into a quiff. My Lord, he looked stunning today.

I was thinking about how much I wanted to strip him and do the dirty with him right there and then. He was still across the street when I yelled, "Zee you look absolutely gorgeous today!"

"Thanks love! You look stunning as well!" He smiled.

A/N: Start listening to the song here.

"So," I said. "After this, we can adopt a little Hawaiian girl and name her Mia okay?" I smiled lovingly towards him, knowing that he loved Hawaiians and the name Mia as well.

He nodded eagerly, smiling wide. Just then, it began to pour rain. He was just about to cross the street. When he took his first steps, he turned his attention to the front of him, not paying attention to the road.

Then out of no where, a black Cadillac was going a least 30 mph over speed limit, ramming into Zayn, immediately killing him upon the impact. The car sped away.

I stood there, at first dumbfounded with my mouth agape. I didn't move.

Then I clenched my jaw and closed my fists into balls by the side of my body, brows furrowing in anger as my eyes heated with hate.


It was silent.

I ran over as fast as my legs could carry me and ran my fingers all over his neck, trying desperately to find a pulse. Trying to find a nonexistent pulse was difficult. After I realized he wasn't breathing, didn't have a pulse and had many broken and fractured bones, I stood up slowly whilst carrying him bridal style, sobbing softly into his tux.

"Zayn.... I love you darling.... WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? I'm going to miss you so much. Rest in peace my lovely angel," I whispered so that only he and I could hear. "It's all going to be okay, it's going to be okay," I said, reassuring myself more than him. "Whatever happens, it's going to be You and I forever baby," I slipped on his weddin ring as I said so, then putting mine on and intertwined our fingers with a mixture of tears and rain dripping from my face.

Michael rushed out of the chapel doors, "WHAT'S GOING ON? I HEARD A CRASH AND TIRES SQUE-"

He looked and saw Zayn hanging limp from my hold. Tears fell from his face; only a few at first, then becoming a flood.

All the other lads came out to see me standing in the middle of the street, carrying a now dead Zayn in my arms. The beloved Zayn that I loved so much was now dead. I was bawling, gasping for air.

I drew a sharp breath.

"Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouzayn," I rambled quickly and softly into Zayn's hair. My tears poured from my eyes and cheeks and fell onto his face, seeming as if Zayn was crying as well.

The suit he was going to wear for the wedding, was now going to be his death suit, in which he'd be buried.

Still a thousand words I never said, but at least he died knowing I loved him.

The End


Okay, this is really the end this time...sorry for the sad ending /:

I will be collabing with @fakeziam in Regret' and 'Complicated Love'. (I will be posting them on my page too) Make sure to check them out if you haven't already!

Don't forget to read 'Fireproof' !

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