A Million

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A/N: This is almost the end? Can you believe it?? I can't, wow it feels as if I just started writing this a few days ago! Haha well I promise these last two will be suuuuuuper long! Hope ya enjoy it! (: Xx

Liam's POV

"Please, Zayn... wake up. At least show me that you're alive," I said weakly.

No response.

It's been at least a whole 24 hours since the procedure was completed but Zayn still hadn't woken up and I was getting anxious.

I lay on Zayn's hospital bed, cuddling his cold, stiff, motionless body, praying that he would wake up already and tell me he was fine. I sighed heavily. Lacing my fingers with his and looking up from his chest to see his face, a million negative thoughts rushed through my mind. What if he dies? What if he doesn't make it? No, He has to make it. He will pull through. I can't live without him. Sighing, I brushed those thoughts away and focused on his slow heartbeat, the sound of the heartrate monitor in the background.


Although he wasn't holding me and he was possibly on the verge of death, cuddling him made me feel like I was in paradise. I knew this is how it was supposed to be, me and Zayn, Zayn and me. I lifted myself up slightly and planted a soft kiss on his lips, resting mine there for a while before pulling back.

I nuzzled my face into his shoulder and whispered, "Zaynie I'm not quite sure if you can hear me or not, but I want you to know that I love you so much and you mean the world to me. I can't live without you, I've finally come to my senses and realized that. I was so wrong to have yelled at you that day in the hotel. This is all my fault, and I'm so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. And after this, if you want to too, we can find a nice chapel and get married. We can spend the rest of our lives happily together as husbands. And if you want, we can adopt a baby boy and name him Xavier or Channing or maybe a girl and name her Rachael or Mia. Anything you want baby, I'll give you the moon even. All you have to is wake up Zee. Please."

I sighed, he can't even hear me why am I talking to him?

I hugged him tight and kissed him once more before I drifted to sleep.

It was 6 years ago, I was 15, in year 10 and was at my high school, St. Peter's Collegiate.

"Hey Cal! Hey Luke!" I said cheerfully.

"Liaaammmmmm!" They both shouted in unison.

As we walked towards each other, Calum and Luke stopped dead in their tracks, horror written all over their face. They seemed to be looking past me.

"Guys...? Is there something wrong?"

They were still staring behind me motionless. They gulped, their adam's apple bobbing down, then back up. Calum began to lift his arm, pointing past me, but quickly dropped it. I did not know that there were three seniors behind me; the three baddest.

I turned around quickly and came face to face with the three biggest bullies on campus - Ashton, Michael, and an unfamiliar blonde. I began to sweat and gulped. I ran my hand nervously through my mop of curly hair. Oh no, not again.

"Well, well, well, Payne. Didn't think we'd find you here!" Michael said sarcastically.

Michael, Ashton and Josh have been bullying me since the fifth grade. It started with verbal and cyberbullying, then they began taking my lunch money on a daily basis, and now, it has evolved into daily beatings.

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