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A/N: I think this will be the last chapter...Wow, I can't believe this fanfic is coming to an end already! Well, here it is! I made it extra long so, hope you like it! (: I'll be continuing my other one, 'Fireproof' so check that out too!


He began to get up to leave, until I pulled him back down.

"Liam...don't go. Because if you do, you'll never get to hear me say that I feel the same way. Li, there are millions, and billions of people in this world, Liam, but you are my one in a million. And..."

A/N: Caution - Smut(ish) content. I'm rubbish when it comes to writing smut so I apologize in advance. :/

Zayn's POV

"And...and I love you so much. I've missed you more than you could ever imagine...I even wrote a song for you!" I exclaimed shamelessly.

"R-Really? You wrote a song...for m-me?"

"Yeah," I chirped, giving him a cheeky smile, "but you'll have to wait till later to hear it," I teased.

Liam pushed his lower lip out and curled his eybrows upward, his signature pouty face. I pulled him into me, enveloping him in my embrace and we stayed there for a while in peaceful silence.

After a while, I kissed the top of his head and whispered in a hushed tone so that only he could hear, "LI? Did you mean everything you said?"

"Of course I did, I've always loved you fro-"

I cut him off, "No, I mean about getting married..and...and having kids..."

Liam tried his best to hide the shock on his face, failing as he did so. "I-I-I...y-yes, o-of c-course I did babe," he managed to stutter. "Look..the thing is..." he sighed.

"It's just what?"

"Yes. I meant all of it. Well, I mean, only if you want to too. Uh. I mean if you don't want to it's ok too. But I hope you want to too because I want to and-"

I cut him off right there, locking my lips with his. There we lay, on the tiny hospital bed. The kiss was passionate and rough, get gentle and full of love. I cupped his face with my right hand, tilting his chin up and his was in my messy hair, twirling them at the ends. Then I bit softly on his bottom lip, forcing my tongue in and our mouths moved in perfect harmony. Then I broke away and began kissing his jawline down to his neck. "" I said between sloppy wet kisses, earning a soft moan from Liam. I left two lovebites at the last two words. Love you... I felt Liams large, muscular travel down my chest and stomach to my waistband and he tugged. I pulled away then, leaving both of us whimpering at the loss of contact.

"Not here Li, not now. I want to make our first time nice. I promise."

He pouted, but nodded his head slowly in agreement, for he too wanted to make it memorable - not in a dumpy hospital.

The doctor came in and said Zayn was ready to go. With that, the two walked to the front desk and signed Zayn out. They left hand in hand and walked towards Liam's car.



They drove home in silence, both of them sat in anticipation. When Liam pulled into the driveway and the two ran in, tripping over their own feet. Liam fumbled with the keys and hurriedly unlocked the front door, the two of them locked lips the moment they locked the door on the inside. Liam forcefully slammed Zayn into the front door, causing him to flinch at the pain. Liam's eyes widened.

Love At First Sight // Ziam AUWhere stories live. Discover now