Say Something

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Liam's POV

I replayed everything I had just seen; it started with a crash heard around town, then I was running frantically, and they tried to push me back but I persisted. Zayn. He was.... pale, lifeless. I remember touching some liquid when I was checking his pulse...was it coffee?

I glanced over at Zayn with a worried expression. I noticed an enormous gash on the side of his head. I felt sick to my stomach. I could see his skull; his bone was visible. No no, this can't be happening. All that warm liquid that was around his head was...blood. Tears began to form in my eyes.

I reached over and held his hand as he lay and I sat in the back of an ambulance. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "C'mon baby, stay with me now. We're almost at the hospital. Don't lose me, you can do it. I believe in you baby." I whispered soft encouragements into his ears, reassuring his that everything will be alright but he wasn't responding. He has a pulse now and is barely breathing but he's alive and that's all that matters right now.

I looked up at the paramedic who was busy scribbling information down on his clipboard. He spoke.

"What's your name?"

"I-I'm Liam."

"And you're his boyfriend, correct?"

"Y-yes. Is he going to be okay?"

He sighed. I was searching his face, trying to read his thoughts. I was growing more and more impatient every second. I was about to lose it when the man began to speak again.

"He will need a good amount of time to recover...if he makes it, that is."

He half mumbled the last part silently, but I heard it. Zayn had to make it. I can't live without him, hell I didn't even get to tell him I loved him. He can't die thinking I hated him. Please Zayn, say something.

"He has to be okay, I can't lose him, not yet. He means the world to me and I don't want him to die not knowing that. Hell, I don't even know if he loves me as much as I love him, but I'm giving him my best, I'm giving him all of me. I-"

The man cut me off, "Can you tell me what happened and how he looked when you saw him?"

I explained everything that had happened, not leaving any details out.

We sat in silence for a while, I was getting more and more impatient; every second that went by meant a percent less chance of survival.

Negative thoughts filled my head and swirled around mu brain like bees around a hive - what if he didn't make it?

"We're here. Don't worry Liam, I'm sure he will be fine. And I know that he loves you. Try to get some rest and don't be too worked up about this alright?" The paramedic's voice pierced my thoughts.

Try not to get too worked up about this?? How could he say that? I felt anger towards him. He can't just waltz in and try to tell me that Zayn loves me and that I should get some rest after the love of my life just got into a fatal car crash and I almost watched him die in front of me without getting the chance to tell him I loved him. How can he tell me 'don't get too worked up' when he had no pulse and he wasn't breathing?

A/N: And this is when you should start the video I have attached to this chapter, the music sets the mood so you should listen to it while reading this next part.

When the door to the back of the ambulance, where we were, I noticed the rainfall; it had began to thunder. We exited the ambulance and wheeled Zayn down the ramp. The staff took him to his own room in the hospital. They hooked up loads of large machinery to him with small needles, stuck some things to his chest to monitor his vital signs and gave him an IV. The heart rate monitor immediately came to life; Zayn had a pulse. Relieved, I sat down on the chair next to him as a doctor came in to inspect him. I was questioned by the doctor for a good forrty minutes and the doctor jotted notes down. He examined Zayn's wounds and basically his entire body.

Dr. Reed told me that he was going to have to perform an X-ray and by the looks of it, he'll need tons of stitches and will be in a coma for at least a week or two. He also told me that Zayn lost a lot of blood and would need a transfusion. Of course I volunteered right away and the doctor took about 1.5 Liters of blood, leaving me rather drowsy. I refused to leave Zayn's side, despite how exhausted I felt. I couldn't afford to have him mistreated, leading to an unnecessary death; instead, I would be the one to care for him, not some maid who was ignorant and did not perform her duties well.


I had been staying in this chair for five days now, I showered in the hospital's loo and was given fresh clothes from the staff. Zayn hadn't stirred yet and I was beginning to worry, although he still had a pulse and was breathing.

Two more days passed and we hit the one week mark. I've never spent this much time in the hospital ever before. I had to call my boss and tell him that I would need to take a few weeks off for an emergency and he had said it was fine. I haven't talked to Danielle in what feels like forever, but I knew that we wouldn't work, Zayn had my heart, all of it now. I nervously sent her a text:

To Danielle:

Hey, long time no talk! I apologize, I've been in a hospital at the side of my best mate, whom I happen to be in love with...I'm sorry but I don't think things are going to work out between you and me... Best of luck in your dancing career! -Liam x

Almost immediately, I received a text:

From Danielle:

That's fine, I've actually met a guy as well so no hard feelings :) Hope things go well between you two and prayers go out to him :( Best wishes -Dani Xx

I read this after I got out of the bath and was changing in the private bathroom. As I was finishing getting dressed, I was about to reply to the text, that is until I heard frantic yelling and beeping coming from outside the bathroom. I burst out, my belt still undone, plaid shirt only half buttoned and scanned the room. What was going on? Medical employees were running around and screaming words over the loud noise that were above my knowledge at one another. Nothing seemed to be wrong....then I turned my attention to the loud blaring noise; the heart rate monitor.

Zayn's pulse had stopped.


Weeeeeee I love leaving cliffhangers! (-----: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, next chapter will be out tomorrow....or maybe I should be a tease and hold out? heh ((((((::::::

Please check out my other fanfic, that's fairly new: Fireproof - Ziam !

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