old rival

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Tae waved the bartender over and the   BT(bartender) nervously brought several extra strong shot glasses. Tae immediately started taking shots. I grabbed three and downed every one of them with no problem. He grabbed another and watched me. The BT kept us supplied for the next hour. I was still sober when I stopped the BT; I could clearly see the Tae couldn't even keep his head up.

"What? Are you*hiccup* chickening out already?"  He started to chuckle. The drunkenness evident all over his body, from his posture to his slurred words. "Tae believe me, I could go all all night and still be able to think straight. But you on the other hand... you look like you could could pass out any moment." 

"*hiccup* lies.." I looked into his hooded eyes. "Oh really Tae? What's 5+6?"
"Slow down Kookie that's too *hiccup* hard." I giggled and watched as his head slowly started to Bob up and down. "C'mon Tae. We're going home."

"Nooooo!" I ignored his protest as I picked him up bridal style and carried him out the door. His head hit my chest and he was out like a light. When he was put in I rounded the car, placing my self gently in the seat, and drove home. We were about fifteen minutes from the house when I realized something. That car has been following me for the past 30 minutes. I grabbed my gun out of the glove compartment and sped up(I have guns everywhere bitch. Try me.). The car kept up.

I turned onto a busy street where there was a lot of people. I looked back and could no longer see the car. Phew. I got back on the normal and went home but when I pulled up I noticed something off. There was a car sitting in front of my house. I sure as hell know it wasn't Tae's. Just in case, I covered Tae with my jacket in Hope's of it hiding enough of him. I grabbed my gun, got out, and locked the door. I walked closer to the car but it was empty. I grabbed my mask and put it on. (Don't  tell Tae that I had it with me all evening. My ass would be dead.) I walked into the house, the door was cracked.

As soon as I stepped in I turned and saw the one person I didn't want to see, sitting in my living
room: Momo.

(Okie me right here for a moment

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(Okie me right here for a moment.. I just wanted to say that I love this.[I didn't do it but it is awesome!])

"Hello Jungkook."
"What do you want Momo?" I gritted my teeth in anger. But it seemed as if I were only a sample of how mad she was. "What do I want?" She chuckled. "What do I want?!...Let's see..how did you say it to my brother and father? Um- oh yeah. I want a bullet in your head and a body in my bag." She raised her guns.....the ones I left on my bed. "Fine....go ahead....shoot me." She stood for a second, but she didn't realize the gun in my hand.

She finally lowered it. "No. This is no fun if you see it coming! It'll be too easy." She put the guns to her side. I watch her as she goes behind me. "I'll get you....just not now.....oh and you might want to watch her boyfriend. Something bad may happen to him." Then she left. I ran back outside after she was gone and checked it. Good. Tae was still sleeping like a baby. My baby. Momo hadn't seen him. 

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