17. Birthday Gifts (G.D)

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Y/n's POV:

I was sitting with Grayson in the living room, giving him his birthday gifts. The day before, we celebrated both him and Ethan's birthday with their family and friends as a surprise party for them. But, the twins passed out so I wasn't able to give them their gifts

When Ethan woke up, he had to leave early, so I gave him his gifts and hugged him 'bye'

I got more than one gift to Grayson and Ethan. Ethan texted me saying he liked the gifts that I gave him

There was one specific gift that I wanted to give to Grayson though, and that is to ask him to be my boyfriend

The twins and I have been best friends for the longest time, ever since they were in sophomore year of high school and I was a freshman. I would hang out with the older students because I used to get bullied a lot in high school from my grade. But, the ones who were older than me accepted me for who I am

Ever since we met, I've had a huge crush on Grayson, as we've matured, those feelings became stronger and it's making me believe that I'm in love with him

I got Grayson a watch, and on the back of it, it's engraved with the quote: "there is never a time or place for true love, it happens accidentally in a heartbeat, in a single flashing throbbing moment" in cursive. I then put the watch in a small box and then I wrapped it

"Alright, this gift is very special to me, so I want you to open it now!" I said as I clapped my hands, making Grayson laugh

"Alright," he said, as he was starting to unwrap the gift I had to stop him to explain something to him

"I need to tell you something before you open the gift," I said as I stopped him, he nodded, signaling me to continue, I looked down the whole time as I was talking to him; I was too scared to see his reaction, "I.. like you. I've liked you for the longest time, ever since I could remember. I always wanted to be your girlfriend, but I was too scared that you wouldn't see me like that, or that it could ruin our friendship between you and I, or it might even involve Ethan in this whole thing. I wanted to ask you if you... wanted to make me that happiest girl in the world and... be my boyfriend?" I said, I look up to see his reaction and all I saw was his signature loving smile

"Of course I will, Y/n. You didn't need a gift or anything at all to ask me. To be honest, I've liked you for the longest time, too. I never thought that I could ever have the courage to ask you out, and I'm glad that you did" he said and we both chuckled. I then went to hug him tightly but lovingly

"Finally" I whispered, making him kiss my neck cutely

We then pulled away from the hug, leaned in softly and we kissed. He put one of his hands on my cheek, resting there. The other hand on my waist, while I cupped both my hands on his neck. We smiled during the kiss, so we had to pull away

We then went back and Grayson opened up his gift, he saw the engraved part of the gift and he had happy tears in his eyes, he kept thanking me the whole day. I'm so glad that he's now mine and I'm now his

A/n: Just to let you guys know that requests are open all the time, and I'm gonna write a lot more because now I'm on summer break and I'm getting into writing a lot more, which is making really happy

I love you guys so much


- Pheonixandmusic <3 <3

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