33. Comfort (G.D)

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A/n: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I've been sick for the LONGEST time and I still am but I'm getting a bit better. So I had to be at bed rest for a WHILE. But, here you guys go with a new post

Grayson's POV:

 I was at my house that I share with Ethan, I felt a little bit down and I needed someone to talk to or hang out with. I went downstairs, where Ethan was playing video games 

"Hey Eth, wanna hang out?" I asked, but he ignored me. I kept calling him a few more times but he didn't answer me, so I just decided to give up

I called James, he said that he was busy. I called Emma, and she said that she was sick. I called my older sister, Cameron, and she said that she had homework for college. I felt so alone, I tried one last time with my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n. I could've called her as my first option, but she was in a meeting, but it's now 3:00 p.m. so she should finish by now

It rang twice, and then I heard my girlfriend's beautiful voice

"Hey babe, what's up?" she asked, the nickname making my heart flutter

"Hey love, I'm feeling a bit down to be honest. Can we hang out?" I asked her, hoping that she agrees

"Of course! Do you wanna come over?" she asked, I cheered in my head a little bit because she agreed

"Yeah, I'll be there in 15 minutes" I said

"Okay, I love you!" she said, I smiled widely

"I love you too!" I replied, making me giggle

We then hung up and I got ready, 15 minutes later, I get to the house and hug Y/n as much as possible

"Hey honey! I got some snacks and movies before you came, there's a big blanket and some board games if you want" she said with a smile, God I love her

I kissed her passionately, pouring all my love for her in that kiss. She smiled during the kiss and kissed me back with just as much passion 

We then pulled apart with the biggest and stupidest smiles on our faces

"W-what was that for?" asked Y/n, making me chuckle

"Well, no one was able to hang out with me today, and you decided to drop everything just to stick with me for a bit. So, I feel like you deserved it, I guess? I could've called you as my first option, trust me, you are. But, I knew that you had a meeting and it finished at 3:00 so... I couldn't call you until you finished" I said

She then smiled at me and kissed me again

"Baby," she said after we pulled apart, "I understand that you were bored and wanted to someone to talk to, that's why I could never get mad at you for calling me, even if it wasn't a great time. You've done so many other things for me, which is why I try my entire best to be just as a good girlfriend as you are the best boyfriend in the entire world. I love you, handsome" she said, I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss

We stayed up for a while watching movies, playing board games, eating some snacks, telling stories, laughing at jokes and cuddling up to each other. Nothing feels better than this

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