44. Jealous (G.D)

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Requested by @hugsforgrethan hope you enjoy it!

Melis's POV:

I was cuddling with Grayson, my boyfriend of over 3 years on the couch. We were watching a movie on TV and were having popcorn and enjoying our time. I then get a text message from my phone, it was an unknown number but the message was shown. "Hey, it's Chris from middle school. Hope I got the right number but this is Melis, right?"

I take the phone and unlock it, I definitely remember Chris. We were best friends in middle school all the way until the summer, where we became freshman of high school. He had to move to London for his dad's work. We used to text everyday but as we grew older we started to distance from one another. I can't believe he even remembers me

*Text message convo - M: Melis, C: Chris*

M: Hii, yes of course I remember you! We used to be best friends in middle school until you moved to London. It's been so long! How did you get my number?

C: I got it from (Melis's best friend), we got in touch a few weeks ago, we ran into each other and caught up with each other's lives. Do you think we should meet up for a cup of coffee and catch up?

M: I'd like that! When and where?

C: *address* tomorrow at say 2 p.m.?

M:  Great, see you then!

"Who you texting, babe?" asked Grayson

"Just an old friend, love" I reply, kissing his cheek. He didn't seem convinced with my answer. He does get jealous easily whenever I'm around other guys, specifically ones that he never met before

"Okay, what did he want?" he asked

"He was thinking of meeting up tomorrow for a cup of coffee at 2" I replied

"You're not going" he stated, as if he has control of me

I look up at him, thinking that he's joking and wanting to see his sarcastic smile. But, unfortunately, I was greeted with a serious look on his face

"Funny, but if I remembered, you don't own me" I say

"I know, but I don't want you to see him" he says

"Well too bad, I can do whatever I want and you saying that I can't hang out with my friends who are guys makes me believe you don't trust me enough, or even at all"

"I do trust you, love, I just don't trust those guys"

"And who's fault is that? Not mine. Babe, he was my childhood best friend and we haven't seen each other in years, I'm going to meet up with him and see him again" I simply state. He looked really upset with my statement, making me sigh

"Look, how about we make a deal. The second I don't feel comfortable with him, I'll text you so that you could pick me up, deal?" I ask. He seemed convinced so he shook my hand

"Deal," he replies, still holding my hand. He then pulls on it quickly but not hurting me, wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me gently and passionately, making me shocked but I reciprocate the kiss once I figure out what he's doing. I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him in deeper

*The next day*

I get ready for my outing with Chris, I first go and take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go ahead and look for some clothes to wear. I chose a simply light skinny high waisted jeans and a black top with a pair of Air Force One's as the shoes. 

I then went ahead and did my air, I brushed it and air dried it, leaving it natural and wavy. I then put on some mascara and chapstick 

I take my phone and my wallet with me and go to Grayson to tell him I'm leaving 

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