Pokémon? I think not

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3rd Person POV

America was sitting on the couch across from Russia in another room. America playing Pokemon Go on his phone got an idea, "Russ don't move there's a rare Pokemon!" America had yelled across the room startling poor Russia, "W-Wait What?" He stuttered out in confusion to what America had blurted out randomly. "Just don't move Russ, I'm gonna catch this damn thing" America said standing up and silently sneaking up behind Russia and hugged him tightly from behind making Russia yelp "W-What are you doing America?!" his face turning a dark red. "I caught it Russ! I've caught the cutest Pokemon!" America cheered snuggling his face into the back of Russia's neck making Russia blush more than he already was. "A-Ameirca t-that w-wasnt funny!" Russia turned around to face America looking down at him to be met with another hug from America, this time hugging back mumbling "Your a dork America" America looked up at him laughing, "I know but I'm your dork Russ"

Hhhhhhh that was too cheesy for meeeee but I did it anywayyysss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whateverrrr

167 words

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