..I'm Sorry-

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          •This is not a story chapter!•

Hello, yes I know it's been a long time since I last updated this book. A whole 124 days since the last chapter I posted on this... I've been debating making this "part" since this story was the most successful thing I had done in a long while when I created it, having an amazing 3k reads and 120 votes. But onto why I made this "chapter"...

I started this book in June of 2019 when I was new to the CountryHumans fandom. Where I had built up the courage to create a actual book on Wattpad, the app I've been using since late 2017. Now, when I started this book there were a few thoughts running through my head: That I knew I wasn't very good at writing things like fanfictions and that (at the time) I wasn't expecting it to even be read by anybody. Yet in over the year this book thrived with a new update almost everyday when this prompt book was still anew. But as the time had passed updates had started getting longer separated as my motivation started to grow weak, now before I continue I would just like to point out I am not doing this for people to pity me, I repeat: I am not doing this for people to pity me. I realized I slowly started to dislike the book I had been so proud of when I made it. But as time passed on, I started to fall out of the fandom that I found myself in that started it all with this book. And since I am a person that does have a life and is still in school I found myself stressing out about things that were all more important than my focus on updating this book. And as all good things must come to their end, Ive written this as the final chapter of this book. In other words I'm discontinuing it since I am no longer in the countryhumans fandom. Some part of me didn't want to make this "chapter" but I knew it had to be done... I'm sorry that I'm leaving this book behind in my life now but I will not delete it I will keep it for good memories of one of my few successes in my ongoing life, I've made this as the final chapter of the book as I am letting it set with the sun....

But before I go,
   I would like to point out I am not leaving this app btw, and I would also like to thank everyone who read and voted on all the chapters of this book, even if they were sucky and poorly written with grammar mistakes, and I thank the amazing people who helped me with ideas for chapters when I couldn't quite come up with them on my own. Now me being me I'm also going to add I am writing this all at once with out any sort of planning so it might look sappy or something. But at this moment in time this is all I can think of to say as I put this book to rest, again I thank you all for reading and being with me through my journey of writing this as I use this username for the last time before I change it.


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