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Sorry I haven't updated in ages i just haven't had any inspiration lately I still don't really but I needed to update this so y'all didn't think I died or something- (Russia's speech is in bold America's speech is italics and Canada's is underlined)

3rd Person POV:

It was like 7pm on a somehow normal Tuesday (Don't as me why I decided to make it Tuesday cause I don't even really know why I decided to make it Tuesday- continue reading-) and America was alone in the bedroom he shared with Russia, but Russia wasn't in the room at the current time so, being bored America mumbled, "I'm bored now-" and decided to give his brother Canada a phonecall.

Americas POV:

I was alone in me and Russia's bedroom so I decided to look at the digital clock on the nightstand near Russia's side of the bed seeing the digital numbers on the small screen say 7:15Pm as I turned to face the ceiling grabbing my phone out of my pocket and decided to call my brother Canada. After a few rings of the phone I finally hear Canada, "Hello? Ame? Why are you randomly calling me all the sudden? Did something happen? Are you okay!?" I sighed a bit and lightly chuckled at my worrisome brother before responding, "Hiya bro, I'm okay nothin' happened, I'm just bored and Russ is out right now." Canada sighed with slight relief hearing that nothing had happened before answering me "So? Can't you just call him Ame?"

I've already tried calling him bro, he won't pick up his-"

3rd Person POV:

America's sentence was interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door opening, so he sat up and looked at the door to see Russia with a towel wrapped snugly around his body as he looked unimpressed before saying, "Ame I was in the shower, you knew that.." Canada overhearing this just decided to hang up on his brother (R00d-) and let him deal with the 'problem' himself since Russia was Ame's boyfriend not his. "no i didn't- you never told me- ohh wait-" America stopped, putting his phone down and thought for a moment before continuing where he paused, "You were in the shower for almost two hours Russ?!" Ame shouted making Russia chuckle lightly as America was now to busy fighting his thoughts on how high the next water bill was gonna cost them, Russia walked over and hugged him from behind making him squeak. "haha, did I scare ya Ame?" Russia asked nuzzling the back of Americas neck (*lenny face*- jk) making him blush, "M-Maybe you did, maybe y-you didn't- BAKA!" Ame blurted out the last part making Russia laugh slightly before letting Ame go and walking off to go get dressed.

421 words

Again I'm sorry about not updating I just need a bit of inspiration and I've been falling in and out of the fandom a bit but I'm not out of the countryhuman fandom and I will still continue this book, btw also thank you for 600 reads! I honestly never thought this would get popular ._. But I'm proud that it kinda did, anyways ill try to update this again as soon as I get the motivation to write thanks for reading! bai!

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