Authors Note (3)

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Hello my wonderfulific (wonderful + fantastic) readers! Kaju here and i just wanted to add a little note that i have not discontinued this book, I have just been really low on ideas and I've been trying to come up with an idea for the 3rd part to "Did he just-" and other things. School has been keeping me from writing also because I cant just like, whip out my notebook or computer (i dont write fics on it usually) in the gosh darn middle of a class. I'd probably get in trouble if im being honest ;3;

Annnyyyways, about that 3rd part to "did he just" i just need an idea on what to write about it but i can probably get that done quickly enough when i have the time too. and I'm hoping when ever i get the chance to write and post it my writing skills will be a lot better from when i started this book cause I've been practicing my writing skills a bit lately.  Anyways I'm sorry for not updating this in a long time i just have school holding me back from it because I've been more busy lately.

Anyways I will try to update this as soon as i can the next time i get the chance.

        Thanks for your understanding, 


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