Did he just (part 2 UwU)

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Sorry I haven't updated on a constant schedule schools starting for me in like 2 or less weeks so this is gonna be a second part of prompt 8 because I can't find anything ._.'

No One's POV

~ Last Time ~· (on Dragonball Z - okay no-)

Canada: Great! Because Im not, you two go on without me, enjoy your date!

Russia: Did he just-

America: He did-

Author-Chan has joined the chatroom

Author-chan(aka me lol-): hehehe, well what will happen next??~~

Author-Chan has left the chatroom

·~ Now ~· (still no ones pov-)

America: Who the hecc was that?

Russia: I dont think I know America-

Russia: well yet I do know that, that was a fourth wall break-

America: wha?-

Author-Chan has joined the chatroom

Author-Chan: Yo, Russia not cool with the fourth wall break... Wait this is the third fourth wall break this chapter. . .whoops-

Russia: Wait a second...

Author-Chan: for what?

Russia: I know who you are-

America: What is going on?!

Author-Chan: Wait- what do you mean you know me?

Russia: Why dont you go back to texting and swooning over my father (USSR- *nervous laughter*-) and stay out of the groupchat ya weirdo-

Author-Chan: NoT aNoThEr FoUrTh WaLl BrEaK- and...Wait! How do you even- GAAAH forget it!- 😝

Author-Chan has left the chatroom

America: Russ- what the hell is going on?!

Russia: Nothing Merica, just some awkward sh*t....anyways what day did your brother slyly set up that date for us? Lolol-

America: This Friday at 8pm, why?

Russia: oh, just wanted to figure out where you wanted to go for it-

America: oh..uh.. I dont know, somewhere sweet and simple I guess?

(Awkwardly placed A/N; I toooootally didn't ask one of my best friends for ideas and asked for sweet and simple cause I didn't wanna be extra for y'all- okay back to the rusame!)

Russia: ok, how about the beach?

America: yea that sounds great!

IsabellaJaime6 has joined the chatroom

Author-Chan has joined the chatroom

Russia: oh no not again- and she brought backup this time-

IsabellaJaime6: The birds work for buqoise, dont trust the birds

Author-Chan: yea damn birds- dont trust em' also speaking of birds we got some love birds over here lol Russia, America y'all know who you are~!

IsabellaJaime6: lololol

IsabellaJaime6 has left the chatroom

Author-Chan has left the chatroom

·~· Too be continued? You decide ·~·

Word count: 370

Special thanks to IsabellaJaime6 for letting me add her to this and for the help with some of the ideas in here (thanks best friend uwu) if a part 3 does come around anytime soon and if you(reader) want to be apart of it, its simple! Just comment or message me(if anyone messages me tell me that's its for the chapter just in case I forget so I dont get confused and freak out ._.') the name you(reader) would want to be used and I'd there's anything specific you want to say. I hope you(reader-) enjoyed *cough*

A/N: and the USSR thing was a joke i came up with for a laugh I ain't no crazy fangirl or somethin-

A/N 2: can I just also thank you all for over 1k reads? I never thought I would ever achieve that let me know if y'all want a 1k+ reads special in the comments and what I should do for it (no face reveal or anything sowwy-)

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