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Hey guys Im back to writing again, sorry about the wait for the next actual chapter. I had stuff going on in my personal life making it hard to do things that needed motivation, but Ive started solving those problems so I have a new chapter now! Anyways on to the chapter! Lol. (When Russia speaks is gonna be 'bold text' and when America speaks its gonna be 'this text')

No Ones POV

The current time was around 10:00pm and our American and Russian had to share a room on this one night, because Americas brother, Canada was visiting. And yet, America was also having Russia over to spend the night before Canada appeared. So America and Russia were sharing the guest room, which only really had a lamp, TV, and a air mattress as the only furniture in the room so far because America was apparently too lazy to put anything else in the room. As America was busy being pestered by his brother, Russia had already made himself comfortable on the said air mattress, when the door to the room swung open revealing a very tired looking America, stumbling over to the air mattress, and yet somehow all the stress his brother gave him, made him forget that Russia had an existing presence on that said air mattress. Yet too tired and stressed out from all of Canada's rambling, America just flopped down on the air mattress, thus making poor Russia get launched into the air off the air mattress, and onto the floor screeching startling America.

Russia's POV

'Did he do that on purpose or did he just forget I was here?' I questioned myself, standing up and yelling, somehow this had startled America, 'weird America usually never gets startled that easily-' I thought to myself again. As he whipped his head around to look at me as I started walking over back towards him and the air mattress. "Ame? You okay? You look a bit stressed out..." I decided to at least try to check on him, all he did was mumble something, so I sat back down and pulled him into a hug, again asking, "you alright Ame?" he just hugged me back sighing not answering my question still. Instead he just looked up at me and mumbled again, "Sorry..let's just go to bed Ruski...." I slightly blushed at the nickname but agreed "okay..."
So we layed down next to eachother and America almost immediately fell asleep when I then realized I was still hugging him and he was still hugging me. I shrugged it off and decided to go to sleep as well.


·~361 words~·

omething Ive realized while originally writing this on 3 pieces of paper in total is that, the process I used was easier in a way but also it took way longer than I had wanted it to, but anyways until the next chapter bai!

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