Im Not Going Anywhere

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3rd Person

It was around 12am and Russia and America were laying in bed together still awake (don't ask me why-) when America tapped onto Russia's shoulder making him turn to face him. After facing the smaller country Russia raised an eyebrow in confusion at the sudden action.

"Russia I want you to promise me something..." America had mumbled meekly to the taller country beside him, "hm, okay" Russia responded blankly like usual. "I-I need you to promise me that you'll always be here and that you'll always hold my hand whenever I get scared.." America looked away for a moment blushing a little as Russia spoke up "okay America, I promise" Russia whispered pulling America close to him as America had suddenly grabbed onto the taller country's hand making him look at the shorter one confused, "America are you scared of something?-" Russia asked him with concern. "Its just...Im scared if I let go of your hand, you'll dissapear-" America said rubbing his eyes with his opposite hand as Russia coughed and pulled him closer, "Aww America, Im not going anywhere I'll always be here" The taller country held the shorter one against him. "I love you Russia-" the shorter country mumbled to the taller country drifting off to sleep, "Heh, I love you too America" Russia then fell asleep as well with America in his arms.


his one was even more cheesy then my 2nd one my god ._. Like c'mon how much cheesier can I possibly get with these? -_-' guess we'll never know lol

230 words)

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