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(If you wanna know who's speaking, Bold is Russia, Italics Is America, and Underlined is Canada)

3rd Person

Russia, America, And Canada were at the park sitting on a blanket that was on a small hill. Canada was there because he annoyed America to let him come along on his date with Russia, Speaking of turned to America and asked out of the blue, "Hey what's your biggest fear?" making Canada cough a bit, "well I'm afraid of being abandoned and forgotten by everyone I've known-" America mumbled as Russia hugged him from the side, when Canada butted in, "Well...I'm afraid of bananas but I feel kinda stupid about it now...I-I'll just leave-" As Canada got up to leave when Russia yelled confused "Wait! I wanna know why the hell your afraid of bananas!-" But Canada already left as Russia looked at America in a deep state of confusion, "It's a long story Russ-" America said trying not to laugh at his younger brother.


his was written yesterday I just forgot to post it ._.

The idea of it being Canada afraid of bananas is credited to my friend LazyIrishweirdobakup because I was asking him for ideas and he suggested Canada being the one afraid of bananas. Lol so thanks friend for the majestic ssuggestion XD

(167 Words)

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