Did that really just happen?-

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This is gonna be really short. . .and its also in a group chat scenario so sorry if its cringey(er) (if that's even a word-) than my usual rusame prompts, anyways..enjoy reading I guess...


Canada has joined the chatroom

Canada: Hey you free at like 8pm this Friday?

Russia has joined the chatroom

Russia: Yes??

Canada: Cool! Ame?

America has joined the chatroom

America: Yea, I'm free then

Canada: Great! Because I'm not, You two go on without me. Enjoy your date!

Canada has left the chatroom

Russia: Did he just-

America: He did-

Author-Chan has joined the chatroom

Author-Chan(aka me Lol-): hehehe, what will happen next??~~

Author-Chan has left the chatroom

Word count: 81

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