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The blue-haired girl rolls in the bed to the inside and opened her eyes slowly due to clarity, watching Minho sitting on the bed on his phone watching a video. Elizabeth pulls her body up to sit, holding the sheet between her arms covering her naked body. The demon notice that his best friend had just woke up and smiled, saying the typical, "Good Morning" that he knew he wouldn't have an answer.

"Good morning," Elizabeth replied back starting to laugh at Minho's face who was shocked that she had responded.

"You did it on purpose, it's not fair." The demon responded, laughing and shaking the blue-haired girl on his side, but she limited herself to shrug. Minho pulled her for himself, wrapping her in his arms giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yikes. Who knew you had that side." Elizabeth says in a playful tone about Minho's action.

Minho laughs and shakes his head, the demon let the girl with blue hair go and gets out of bed. Walks to his locker, taking black jeans and a short-sleeved sweater with white and black stripes and a few letters in red. The demons sit at the edge of the bed and look at Elizabeth.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" Minho asks while he tied one of his sneakers. Elizabeth rose from the bed picking up in her underwear and began to dress it, then she picks up her shorts that were on the floor and dress them, staying like that. She sits next to Minho and looks at him, making him uncomfortable, "What do you want, Liz?"

"A sweater of yours." Elizabeth smiles trying to persuade Minho, "Please?"

"You've only worn my sweaters," Minho recalls the blue-haired girl in front of him since they gained confidence with each other, that Elizabeth uses his clothes and, accidentally-not-accidentally, always forgot to return them but the demon couldn't resist the girl so he sighed deeply and went to his drawer, picking up a white sweater with a fuzzy purple print on it.  Elizabeth dressed the shirt and smiled, "When I go to your house, you will return everything."

"Good luck." Elizabeth wished the demon in front of her and began to laugh.

Elizabeth took the sweater she wore dressed last night and stuffed it in her suitcase. After a while, they left Minho's house and went to a coffee to eat something before they go to the beach to meet with Chan, Felix, and Changbin that every Saturday morning they were going to play football on the beach. After leaving the establishment with food and coffee in their hands, they walked towards the beach. The two were messing with each other as usual, and Elizabeth was judging the choices of Minho every time he goes to a food establishment, questioning herself how he had not yet lost his body shape since he eats as if he had spent years in captivity without eating.

Arriving at the beach, the two sighted Felix and Changbin sitting in the sand staring at the sea dying of laughter. Confused, Minho looks in the same direction as Elizabeth, seeing Chan talking to the girl they met the day before and how she blew up their ball. Chan was upset and went back to his friend, barging around.

"What happened?"

"That annoying Angel blew our ball for no reason," Chan explains what was happening when they arrived, "And we are the demons." He continues to complain about it and rolls his eyes.

The four began to laugh at Chan's revolt, Elizabeth picks up the ball and snaps her fingers, putting the ball as new. Felix and Changbin as soon as they see the ball as new, they rise up and begin to play with it. Minho and Chan end up joining too. Elizabeth sits in the sad observing her friends, though she has learned to like football, the truth is that playing never ran well. Minho once tried to help her and she almost broke her foot. The demon girl was starting to get bored until Carrie showed up, still yawning and sits next to her.


Robin left the beach and went for a stroll around town, curious about an old record store, the Angel enters the store and starts to see all the shelves, all discs and the various bands of the years 70, 80, and 90. Walking around the store distracted by a record, Robin raises the look from the old disk she had in her hands and looks around, looking for someone who worked there because the disc wasn't marked with the price until she saw someone familiar to her. Christine.

"Christine?" The angel tries to draw attention from the demon with braids in front of her, but she is ignored. Confused with the girl's attitude, she tries to call for her again, "Christine!"

Christine lands the disc in the same place and turns back, "Don't you think you should be ashamed to come and talk to me after what you've done?" The demons ask about Nathan thing in the day they met, but Christine got it all wrong.

"I didn't do anything, your boyfriend—" Robin was going to explain when Christine just shrug and left the store. The angel, not wanting to leave the matter that way and wanting an opportunity to explain herself, she follows Christine, but as soon as she passed the alarms in the store door, they start beeping. Robin stopped seeing Christine on the other side of the street laughing, the store employee approached Robin and looks at her with a serious look.

"Can I see your bag?"

"Go ahead, I don't have nothing here," Robin says confident, cause she knew nothing would be there, and it was probably something else. The employee searches for something that could've triggered the alarm at Robin's bag until he finds a set of three bracelets of three different bands inside Robin's bag. The angel looks at the bracelets in the hand of the employee and shakes her head, "I didn't put that there."

"But it was inside your bag, wasn't it?" The employee asks while he grabs Robin by her arm to pull her inside the store to take her to the manager's office so they could call the police and Robin's father.

As they walked towards the office and Robin swore that she didn't have anything to do with the bracelets and she didn't know how they ended in her bag, she also mentions that it was Christine to put it inside her bag to frame her, the two are stopped by a tall boy with black hair,

"She didn't do anything." The boy tells the employee trying to help Robin.

"Do you have any evidence of that?" The employee asks the boy in front of him with a suspicious look.

"You just need to see the surveillance cameras."

The employee rolls his eyes and still takes Robin to the manager's office, Robin sits in one of the chairs placed in front of the desk and the mysterious boy does the same while the employee turned on the computer to access to the images of the cameras. The man spends a good thirty minutes, back and forward repetitively until he finally finds the moment when Christine places the set of bracelets inside Robin's purse and leaves the store. The employee rolls his eyes once again and allows them to leave. The two angels leave the store and Robin looks at the boy.

"Who are you and why did you defend me?"

"Yejun." Answers the boy, introducing himself to Robin, "Because that's what angels do. We help each other." He completes, justifying what lead him to help her.

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