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The sun hit the calm waves of the sea, transmitting a certain tranquility. The children who seemed never to get tired of playing ball, the teenagers in their adventures swimming, others dating. Couples where the man read his newspaper, sitting on his sun lounger and his wife was soaked in suntan lotion to get a greater amount of melanin from his skin, the gentleman who sold the fresh fruit was shouting the same sentence as many times as it was necessary for someone to request his services. These ordinary little things lived on the beach knew life. Quiet moments to appreciate the fact of being alive. It was an unparalleled tranquillity.

"Carrie! Minho! Jisung!" Felix shouts from afar the names of his friends, drawing their attention, less from Minho who was still asleep.

The panic face of the blond and Chan, who accompanied him, could be seen running to meet the rest. Carrie was already with her arms crossed, ready to give the two of them a scratch for having left the way they did. Elizabeth wakes up with the screaming and begins to wipe her eyes, but with some weakness to lift her head from Minho's arm.

"Can you both explain us why you left?"

"Can we talk about that later? Robin just announced to her dad who Chan was and he's going to tell God and the whole Heaven!" Felix explains the reason for his alarming state.

"Why would she do that?!" Carrie is shocked by such a situation, knowing that she was the accused's girlfriend.

"She heard ya talking with her father about the whole situation at the church..." Chan tells them what made Angel make the bold and unthinking decision.

"I always hated that girl, and see? She just gave me reasons! For someone who loves Chan didn't had a problem to throw him at the wolves, did she?" Carrie takes a strange pleasure in finally being able to show all the hatred she had had for the girl since she appeared in their lives.

"We gotta act fast or we'll be hunted before we know it." Felix asks for urgency on the matter.

Carrie bends down and looks under her hat, seeing her friend awake and dragging her by the hand, despite the softness and insistence of the blue-haired girl to keep herself in the comfort of the towel and her best friend. Eventually, Demon lifts her friend up and begins to move away from the group that begins to pack up quickly to take the necessary steps before the war breaks out. Elizabeth seems a little confused by her friend's sudden action, which takes her somewhere she hasn't been enlightened.

"Can you please tell me where are we going?" Elizabeth ends up speaking against her will.

"Teach a lesson to that Angel that just ruined everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Were going to warn Robin who will be our main target in the battlefield." Carrie better explains her goal and reveals who they are going to visit.

Elizabeth's eyes widen. Carrie was too serious, like she was going to kill Angel the moment she laid eyes on him. Elizabeth sighs and recomposes to face the reality of the facts. With Robin's unreasonable action, the war will be unleashed in less than a few days. All Angels will hunt down the Antichrist and his followers. There will be war until one side is completely annihilated. All days of peace and fun between friends will end and dark times are to come. The two Demons arrive at the beach house door, and knock anyway. Robin answers them, who is quickly seized by a feeling of fear and panic, almost guessing why the girls are there. Carrie steps forward and takes Angel by the collar of her sweater.

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