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Chan went home and put some clothes together in a backpack and went on his way to his sister's house, where he would spend some time to forget everything. His sister's house was something completely different from what Chan was used to. The house was immaculate and without any confusion, and this is how Chan discovered that his sister had an obsessive compulsive disorder about cleaning, which would be difficult to live with as he was not the cleanest and most organized person. Carrie tried to do everything she could to make her brother feel at ease and without any constraints. The whole situation had also affected her, seeing how Chan was affected by Robin's death, nothing that she did not expect, but the uncertainty of the feelings that Chan felt but did not express was what she was killing but in the head of the guilty Demon. Time went by and the interaction with Carrie really helped Chan. Carrie took him out, took him to certain restaurants he didn't know and had only taken Elizabeth. Chan managed to forget the war, Lucifer, the knights of the Apocalypse, but Robin was still present in his thoughts and in his heart. The poor boy spent hours without sleep, trying to distract himself, so that he wouldn't think about it, but the dark sky is a canvas where we paint our deepest thoughts. They all isolated themselves a little after the war, trying to integrate themselves back into their social lives and forget the traumas of the war, except Elizabeth and Minho. Demon had her best friend dying in her arms and this trauma demanded that she almost spend time with Minho. The girl would show up at the boy's house, getting him out of bed early and taking him out to go shopping, or to lunch, or even to the beach to play volleyball as Minho had promised the girl with blue hair. On a beautiful summer afternoon, with a cool breeze from the cold coastal current, it created the perfect climate to spend some time on the beach, where Minho and Elizabeth were swimming and throwing water at each other, until Minho got tired and went to his towel. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, the girl loved to be in the water, but Minho wasn't much of a swimmer, she preferred to be in the sun and often sleeping on her towel. Elizabeth took one last dip and went back to Minho, but instead of lying on her towel, she lay down, with her body wet, on the boy's dry and unprotected back, wetting him with the cold water that was still pouring from his body, the boy groans from the heat shock and the girl laughs at him.

"Why? Why? Why?!" Minho repeats as he trembles with cold.

"Just to see your reaction, and because you left me alone." Elizabeth explains her intentions among laughs.

"Well, I reacted already, can you not freeze me to death now?"


Elizabeth moves to the side, lying on the giant towel that Minho had, allowing the girl to 'forget' her at home. Minho read the newspaper, reading about the political situation in Hell and its instability, with the disappearance of the Four Horsemen and the death of Lucifer. Hell had exactly what it wanted, chaos, and now it couldn't handle what it wanted.

"Who do you think it'll rule Hell now?" Minho asking about her friend's opinion.

"Chan or Carrie."

"Chan never really cared about that, and Carrie doesn't really look like the kind of person to rule others."

"They don't have a choice. It's them or they've to pick someone, and no one is that truthful for that..." Elizabeth sighs, thinking of the burden her best friend carries on her shoulders.

"I don't even know anymore... Everyone just fell apart from everyone, we don't look like friends anymore..." Minho looks up at the sky, while he is disappointed with one more step away from the group.

"Right. It sucks."

"Have you even been with Jeongin?"

"Not really."

"Oh... Why?"

The young Demon shrugged her shoulders, keeping her silence on the subject, leaving Minho a little surprised and curious about what might have happened. After a while, the two friends get tired of the beach and pack their things, heading for dinner at some restaurant in the area.

Chan and Carrie were still living together in the blonde's house. The mutual company was pleasant and Chan's chance to return to his house seemed a long way off. However, the two Demons were now facing what could become a problem for both of them. They would have to decide between them who would command hell. After much talk, they both came to the conclusion that that closed speech seemed even unfair, and so they decided to summon their friends to the house for a reunion and a meeting with those they trusted most. After two days, the group of friends, Angels and Demons, boys and girls, were all together again. The reunions were pleasant and emotional, especially for Elizabeth and Jeongin, making Minho feel happy after that conversation with Elizabeth which seemed to have happened between the couple, but Minho realized that they just missed each other but both wanted to be with theirs.

"I've missed you so much." Jeongin whispers in the girl's ear while they hug.

"I missed you too." Elizabeth returns the feeling, moving away from the boy and looking him in the eye, sketching a smile and connecting her soft lips to the dry of her beloved.

Everyone else started catching up, and those conversations began to focus on the lack of two people in the group, one for reasons they didn't mention out of respect for Chan, but the other one wasn't sure what had happened until the bell rang.

"Speaking of the Angel..." Chan goes to the door and is surprised by the presence.

It was Seungmin, the well-known Angel who could now tell the difference between the two wings. It looked like a defect, but his pose transmitted confidence and the aura itself a different, strong, unknown power. Seungmin greeted his friend and did not act strange. He entered the house and greeted everyone, stunned and with wide eyes and observers of the new entity. "Nephilim" was the name of the species of Seungmin. Half Angel, half Demon. Usually these were only able through a relationship from an Angel and a Demon, a situation that Seungmin was to investigate, since he did not even know the origin of his parents because he was abandoned in Heaven while newborn and was adopted by Jeongin's family. After much conversation to keep up, they finally regrouped on the table and Chan looked around, with a smile from ear to ear, happy that they were finally all back. The happiness that everyone gave him made him forget the loss of the most important member, in his opinion. Elizabeth and Jeongin were together again, as were Felix and Carrie. Minho remained the same lazy loner as ever, Changbin and Jisung continued to live their madness together, Seungmin had returned different and more impactful than ever, Yejun and Hyunjin continued to consume caffeine and nothing else. All eyes focused on Chan, and he fills his chest to start talking.

"As you all know, someone needs to replace Lucifer in the throne, either me or Carrie. We wanted to ask you for your opinions and decide it, based on your choices."

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