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"You're the Antichrist, huh?"

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse and Lucifer met with Chan to convince him of their plans against life on Earth. Chan did not express any feelings about the subject other than contempt and disinterest, which complicated Lucifer's plans. For the horsemen, that situation was becoming rather dull and boring, especially for War who envied those who fought on the battlefield. Chan was only wasting their time and did not express himself, using the silent treatment. Lucifer had begun to lose his patience, demanding some urgency from the knights. Outside, Carrie, Jisung and Changbin were approaching the building where Chan was meeting the rest of the Lords of Hell. The war was already raging for the third day and the end did not seem short. They had not heard from Chan since he broke away from them at the beginning of the war, and he should have killed Lucifer by now and ended the war peacefully, with as few deaths as possible. Carrie was ahead, with the two boys following her. Arriving at a window, the blonde, very carefully, looks inside, seeing Chan sitting in a chair in the middle of the throne room, with the Four Horsemen around him saying something to which Chan did not respond, and Lucifer sitting on his throne with his head resting on the palm of his hand and his elbow on the left arm of the throne, bored with the situation and attitude of Chan. Analyzing the situation and informing the boys of it, they pass under the window so they don't run the risk of being spotted. On the other side of the window, the Demons extend their wings and take off to the roof of the house to enter through the buoys. All three enter and lean on the wooden beams that support the roof of the house, having a good view for Chan and the knights.

"Enough with your silence! Think about what we can get! Power, destruction that will allow us to build this world at our image!" War tries to convince Chan and break his silence that he didn't give them any assurances.

"Humans won't do any good for the planet. They are already destroying themselves and the planet because of their greed for money. You need to cleanse the world from these vile creatures." Famine gives his point of view of a world corrupted by humanity's greed for an insatiable need for money.

"All they have done was to turn this planet into an oven, destroying the ozone layer with their toxic solutions for their health, not worrying about the health of the nature. If you don't bring chaos to them, you'll just be delaying the inevitable." Pollution believes the end of the world will not be far away, even if Chan doesn't bring it.

"In the end, Humans live selfishly for them, not thinking about the future generations who will have to face a world destroyed by their ancient ones. This lack of compassion will make them go extinct. Leaders all over the world only think about using the system to their own advantage, never thinking about the people they rule. Killers can't think about the freedom and the life they take away from, maybe, a revolutionary doctor, or a magnificent scientist, or even just a good comedian who will distract the society from their doomed lifes. Bringing an end and chaos to them, is almost showing mercy to mankind, since they live their whole life to be killed by the strongest and make the future ones more weak." Death shows the harsh reality of how the world is structured, making it appear that the end of life on Earth is the only solution to prevent humans from destroying the world and themselves in the process.

Chan tries to abstain from the words of the Four Horsemen, but his reflections made him think deeper about it. His head is at a thousand and his heart is racing with anxiety. He tries not to reveal how he feels affected by the words spoken there, staring into their eyes. War loses his head with the unbreakable silence of the Antichrist and unveils his sword.

"I'm tired of your little silence treatment like you think you're better than us. If you really thin-" War was about to challenge Chan, but a black figure goes from breaking, almost at the speed of light, and tears War's chest from side to side, and hiding back in the shadows.

The others get startled but before they could react, Famine feels a blade going through his chest and the black flames burning him from the inside out. Pollution tried to shoot arrows into the shadows that hid the killers and, catching her distracted, the third member of the group is beheaded. The third murderer, not satisfied, turns around and tries to attack Death too, but as soon as he approaches his target, Death's body disappears with the appearance of ravens flying and trying to disorient his predator. And so, Carrie, Jisung and Changbin got rid of the Four Horsemen. With their complete task, they approached Chan, facing Lucifer, who knew what was waiting for him. A rebellion and a battle against his own son.

"Good work, but retreat." Chan thanks them, but he orders his friends to get out of there again.

"No way!" Carrie insists on wanting to stay, blinded by revenge for her mother.

"Please Carrie, you have to go." Chan insists, not wanting to take any chances..

"No! I won't leave until he's dead!" Carrie shouts and manifests her thirst for revenge.

Lucifer lets out loud and sarcastic laughter when he hears such a statement from his daughter. Carrie takes a deep breath as she faces her father, with her sword in her hand, ready to move forward. Chan finds himself in trouble with Carrie, looking at Jisung and Changbin and signaling to them to leave, which they respected and left in the same way they entered.

"I love to see how you are dependent on your brother to avenge your mother's death because you know you can't do it." Lucifer approaches his daughter, speaking of her impotence to continue alone with her revenge.

"Shut up!" Carrie feels humiliated and tries to fight back, but nothing more than that trivial answer comes to her mind.

"Carrie, get out of here!" Chan gets in front of Carrie so she wouldn't do anything unthinkable.

"I was right about you all along. You are not strong, you are not powerful, you are just a girl who should have never been born!" Lucifer rises from his throne and shouts with weight in his voice.

Carrie escapes from her brother and, in a few moments, she faces Lucifer and tries to strike him in the chest, but he can predict his daughter's movements and grabs the blade incinerated with black flames, without feeling its effect and stopping the attack. He grabs her by her head, lifts her off the ground, makes her look him in the eye, "You are my daughter, and I know you better than anyone, as I know that you're not smart enough to think about that and decide to attack me anyway." And without mercy, Lucifer hits the girl's abdomen, making her spit blood and projecting it violently against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

Chan watches the attack and the power of it, shocked as Carrie was defeated with few moves and as Lucifer left her in poor condition. The Antichrist's heart begins to beat harder and his heartbeat dramatically increases his speed, making the blood flow through his veins at the speed of light. The boy's face faces the ground, with his eyes closed, thinking about everything Lucifer has done and how it has impacted his life, becoming enraged with every thought that runs through his mind. His breathing is warm, showing the glow and claw that Chan accumulated inside him. Finally, he lifts his head and faces Lucifer standing in front of his throne, ready for that crash he had been waiting for since the day Chan showed himself against the idea of being the destroyer of the world and the cause of chaos.

"You're gonna die by my hands."

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