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" OH SHIT! " Finn exclaimed, leaning down to Jack. His dark eyes met the light brown does eyes in front of him and Finn felt his throat immediately get clogged up.

"Oh." He whispered as he noticed freckles dotting the petite boy's face with bright pink plump innocent lips resting below a cute button nose. Finn tried not to cry because this was the cutest human being he's ever seen. Finn slowly leaned forward, as if to kiss just one inch of this boy, it didn't matter where he just needed to-

"Ow." Jack mumbled as Finn suddenly realized the situation. He backed away as Jack grunted again, trying to steady his head. Unlike Finn, Jack couldn't even see who was in front of him, it was just a blur.

"Did I... did I hit you?" Finn asked worriedly, helping the boy up.

"No the door hit me by itself." Jack sneered and then grabbed his head again, hissing in pain. Finn wrapped his arm around the other boy to keep him steady as he limped to the car.

"Here I'll take you to the hospital." He offered, motioning to his expensive red mustang. Jack's eyes widened as he viewed the car and he shook his head.

"Oh god I'm dreaming aren't I." He mumbled and almost fainted. Finn caught Jack in his arms as the boy went in and out of consciousness.

"Woah woah. I'd say I'm the one dreaming." He fondly replied and realized that he was flirty with a boy who currently could be going through the stages of a concussion. Finn ushered Jack into the shotgun, sitting the boy up and buckling him in. He closed the door after, feeling like a rapist because technically this boy had no idea what's going on and Finn was just putting him in his car. God, he hoped this adorable boy doesn't get a restraining order on him.

"Ah." Jack murmured as he regained more consciousness. He could see better now, looking around abruptly. His mind immediately went to Sadie, where was she? The other car door opened and a teen stepped into the car.

"Holy moly you're Finn Wolf-" He began to shout as a hand quickly covered his mouth.

"Listen, cutie, people might be able to hear you. I'll give you an autograph later." Finn said and winked, eyes widening as Jack smacked his hand away.

"I don't want your crappy autograph." He stated and Finn scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion.

"Okay wow you really must've hit your head hard." He concluded, assuming that's the answer for Jack's behavior.

"Wait my sister!" Jack slurred out and Finn raised an eyebrow.

"You're sister?" He questioned, waiting for Jack to elaborate.

"Yes Sadie. She's a redhead and your biggest fan and I gotta get her these keys-" Jack began to open the car door and Finn reached over to stop him.

"Woah woah woah! Wait was she wearing a pink crop top and black skirt?" He asked quickly and Jack turned to him with a nod. Finn grinned grabbing the keys.

"I'll be right back. My friends talking to her, he can make sure she gets back home." He said and patted Jack's shoulders. The smaller boy didn't look fazed, leaning his head back on the seat. Finn raced outside and back into the club. He rushed up toward his dressing room and opened it, gasping immediately.

"Woah!" He shouted as he saw Caleb and Sadie making out on his couch.

"Lord if you're gonna do that then please move places." He muttered and Sadie stood up immediately.

"Oh my God! You're Finn Wolfhard!" She squealed and Finn awkwardly nodded.

"Hey Caleb can take these and drive Sadie back home when.... you guys are done with whatever?" He asked and Caleb shrugged.

"Sure." He simply said and Sadie hugged Finn quickly.

"You smell so good! And you look so nice! Ugh I'm gonna-" Sadie hit the floor as she fainted and Caleb jolted up from the couch worriedly.

"Shit um yeah I'll get her home." He said and helped Sadie up as the girl tried to open her eyes. Finn waved bye to Caleb and wished him luck, running back outside.


Jack sat outside, trying to figure out if he was really in a mustang... Finn Wolfhard's mustang. It made Jack's head hurt just thinking about it. He could see completely clearly now though and so he was taking everything in. The drivers side door opened and in... yep that's Finn Wolfhard. Jack watched him quietly, nervous for some reason.

"I'm not feeling good wait." Jack felt like he was going to throw up. He opened the car door and leaned out it, puking onto the sidewalk. He wiped his mouth and sent Finn an apologetic look. Finn was staring back at Jack with heart eyes though, the boy took the time to open to door, just to avoid messing up his car. It made Finn happy for some reason.

"So are we going to..." Jack mumbled, feeling judge under Finn's eyes.

"Oh yeah." Finn quickly put the car in gear and started driving.

"Hold on okay? We'll be at the doctors soon." He told the boy and the small brunette nodded softly.

"Wait what's your name?" He asked him and the petite teen opened his eyes, locking eyes with Finn again.

"I'm Jack." He whispered and Finn wanted to kiss him again. Even after puking, he was still adorably kissable. Finn turned his head back to the road, to avoid actually acting on his urges.

"Well Jack, nice to meet you." Finn said, loving the way the other boy's name rolled off his tongue. Finn learned that he loved saying that name now.

"I can think of nicer ways." Jack answered back softly, making Finn chuckle.

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