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" BYE GRANDMA, I LOVE YOU! " Sadie said sweetly, hugging her grandmother.

"Goodbye Sadie, I love you more dear!" The older women replied and waved as Sadie rushed off to the car.

"You sure you're going to be okay, mom?" Mrs Grazer asked and their grandmother rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh Angela please. I'll be fine." She replied and they hugged. Jack walked up with a soft smile, their grandmother smiled sadly at the boy.

"Jack, are you going to be alright?" She asked and Jack nodded slowly.

"Oh sweetheart I know it hurts right now, but things aren't always what they seem in the momentum. Give him some time. Life has a way of working itself out for the better." She stated and Jack raised his eyebrows.

"You know... that's it's a him?" He questioned and his grandmother just laughed.

"Honey it's not that hard to figure out. I support you and your mother does too. Don't give up hope." She said and Jack teared up, hugging his grandmother tightly.

"I love you, grandma." He mumbled and she chuckled softly.

"I love you too Jack. Take care." She replied and he nodded, backing up and rushing to the car. They all waved as they drove away.


"So what are you doing after this?" Sophia asked Finn as they waited in line for coffees. Finn had said how he'd need to go soon and she was curious.

"It's some meeting with this guy who's casting me for a movie. David Harbour." Finn explained and Sophia gasped softly.

"That's cool! David Harbour makes some good films." She praises but Finn simply shrugged.

"I guess. I honestly don't really want to do it." He admitted and Sophia nodded understandingly, her red hair bopped as she did so.

"Well, wanna talk about something else instead?" She asked which in return Finn nodded. This is what he liked about Sophia, she didn't push on subjects that could be hard to talk about. She didn't unless it was life threatening, which hardly ever happened.

"Yeah. I'm writing a new song." He confessed and she grinned.

"Ooh! Tell me about it." She said with excitement. Finn hesitated but since it was Sophia, he caved in.

"It's called What You Meant to Me. It's about um how someone feels when they're forced to be separated from someone else." He explained and Sophia raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds deep. Is there some secret inspiration for that?" She asked as his phone buzzed.

"Shit it's my mom. I gotta go Soph. Please keep in touch though, I wanna hang out again soon." He said and she nodded. They stood up and immediately was bombarded with flashes.

"Dammit!" Finn cursed as the paparazzi cornered them.

"Here go on, I'll distract them." Sophia offered and Finn thanked her quickly, running off.

"Sorry I'm late." He told his parents as he got to the house. David was sitting on the couch with a frown. Finn sat down across from him nervously.

"Jack Grazer. Such a nice name for a nice boy." David began, holding up a photo of Jack in the phone booth sobbing. Finn's eyes widened and he let out a nervous breath.

"Where'd you get that?" He asked quickly and David pursed his lips.

"Where do you think I got it from, Finn? TMZ has had a whole fleet of photographers on you for the past two days."

"I know, but I was careful-"

"That's EXACTLY the kind of thing I was afraid of with you kid. I mean you don't seem serious about doing this movie. I don't know, maybe you're just too young." David stated and Finn's blood went cold. He looked back at his parent's disapproving faces, feeling his anxiety start to come alive.

"No sir, look I made a mistake." He said and his mom grabbed his shoulder.

"Come on, David. Give him a chance to fix this!" She insisted and David sighed.

"Fine. Make the story go away." He suggested which made Finn furrow his eyebrows, confused.

"How do we do that?" He asked nervously with his eyes still on the picture of Jack's heartbroken face.

"You need to call TMZ or Starstruck and get on their show. You say that you don't know this boy just say that he's some crazy fan who's followed you around all day." David said as Finn shut his eyes painfully. Jack would hate him.

"You want me to lie?" He asked quietly to which David nodded.

"It's either this boy or the movie."


"Hello everyone! My name is Laney Zornes, here with Finn Wolfhard to address the news of him and the mystery boy named Jack Grazer!" The reporter talked in an overly happy voice. Finn was shaking, it was live tv and he was about to ruin any chance he ever had with Jack. His Jack.

"So Finn, tell us about Jack." She directed him and Finn shrugged, putting on a bored face.

"Yeah, I guess he looks kind of familiar." Finn concluded, looking at the picture they showed of Jack smiling. It looked like a yearbook photo and Finn couldn't help but notice how adorable and innocent this boy looked.

"Come on Finn! We know you were at the beach with him." Laney insisted, making Finn frown deeply.

"Look, lots of fans come to the beach to watch me and I try to say hi to everybody that comes up to me but, maybe I signed an autograph for him or something." He continued, looking around awkwardly.

"According to our sources, he came all the way from Missouri to see you." Laney said proudly and Finn forced a sympathetic look.

"Awe that sucks that I didn't get to meet him."


"You have to talk to me, Jack" His mother persisted as they sat on the couch back at home. Jack looked down while shaking his head.

"What happened in Florida?" She continued but Jack only sighed. He couldn't help but wonder what Finn was doing.

"Nothing bad, Mom, I promise. I can't talk about it please, just trust me." He replied as Sadie suddenly stormed into the room.

"Finn Wolfhard is talking about you on Starstruck, Jack!"

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