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" HEY! HOW ARE YOU DOING? NICE TO SEE YOU! " Finn said sweetly to various people as he walked around in his backyard. His parent's party seemed to have been a success and Jack was still hidden which was good. He found his parents in the crowd and gave his mom a hug.

"Hey! Finn." She said fondly and he grinned at her. Finn turned to David, the big movie manager he had met the previous day and shook his hand.

"Hey David, it's good to see you." He added and David motioned to two girls beside him.

"Meet my daughters!" He offered and Finn waved softly at the two girls who swooned.

"Hi I'm Mckulla and this is Abby." The dark haired girl said in a flirty tone. The other lighter haired girl just smiled silently and waved.

"Could you sing us a song?" Abby whispered and Mckulla nodded eagerly.

"Yes please!" She continued which made Finn shrug.

"Sure! Absolutely, I've got something new I've been working on so." He spoke as he walked over to get his guitar which was leaning against the wall outside. His parents probably knew that he was going to play and pulled it out. Finn grabbed it gently, going to the stool. He strummed the guitar lightly, happy to find that it was already tuned.

"Uh hey everybody! Uh this is a little something I've been working on. I hope you like it." He introduced and everyone around him clapped lightly. Finn sat on a stool facing the house and everyone had moved in front of him. He shook as he strummed the intro.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm no Superman, I can't take your hand," He saw an image of Jack swatting away his hand earlier, making Finn frown as he sang.

"And fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah. I can't read your mind,"  Finn thought back to Jack again, singing louder and strumming more. He began to feel different lyrics form in his mind, ones that applied to Jack. He said screw it, strumming a different tune.

"Yeah I can't read that mind like a billboard sign so I can't know why you don't want to be mine," He felt the song, more than ever now.

"I can't tell you what you wanna hear, but I'll be your hero."


"Cause I, I can be everything you need, If you're the one for me, like gravity I'll be unstoppable." Jack heard the music and puckered his lips in confusion. Surely this wasn't Finn, was it? Usually the raven haired boy would scream and jump up and down but this song sounded slow. Jack felt himself stand up, going to the balcony.

"I, Yeah I believe in destiny. I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul. But since you're the one for me, I'll be your hero." The song was sweet and Jack found himself swaying as he leaned on the railing, looking at Finn singing on the ground below.

"I'll be your hero, yeah, I'll be your hero." As Finn sang, they locked eyes.


Finn saw Jack listening and actually looking impressed and stunned. The look was beautiful on him and it made Finn began to improve lyrics, so busy looking at the gorgeous being on his balcony.

"So incredible, some kind of miracle, yes this is meant to be." He stood up as he sang, keeping his eyes locked on Jack.

"I'll become a hero, so I'll wait, wait, wait for you." That part was especially true because Finn knew Jack wouldn't be easy to win over. The boy was different and Finn loved it. He'd wait a million years if it meant he'd get a kiss from the bright pink untouched innocent lips.

"Yeah, I'll be your hero."


Jack felt his heartbeat quicken. He couldn't even believe what was happening. Finn was singing... to him? Or directed at him. It made Jack feel all bubbly inside. He gripped the railing tighter, trying to ground himself.

"Yeah I, I believe in destiny. I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul. But I swear you're the one for me. So I'll be your hero." As he finished up, Jack backed away.

"I'll be your hero."

"I'm so stupid." Jack mumbled as he backed into Finn's room, away from the balcony.

"He's not singing to me. I'm not his and he doesn't even probably like me."

"I'll be your hero." Jack felt a tear slip down his cheek as his insecurities took charge. He wiped it quickly, ignoring the pain in his heart. He just met Finn... he needed to get a hold on himself. He's not fit to date a star. Finn wouldn't dare to date a boring boy from Missouri.


"Hero." Finn sang out the last word, holding onto the note. He had seen Jack back away and felt his heart sink at the sight. He'd hoped that he didn't scare the small boy away.

The crowd cheered as Finn got up and with a forced smile he waved at them whilst rushing off to find Jack.


Jack rushed downstairs.

"Where's the damn car?" He muttered to himself as he gripped the keys and searched desperately for any sign of the brown van. Jack walked towards another door and found himself in the garage, grinning at the sight of five cars and a row of five keys hanging next to the door. Jack grabbed one and rushed to a purple car without hesitation.

"Hey are you stealing one of my cars?"

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