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" THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THE SUNSHINE BABY! " Jack sang with Finn this time, both boys laughing with singing along to the song. They were back in the car, driving back to Jack's house.

"I'm seeing you in a whole new light! Out of this world for the first time baby, oh, it's alright!" They finished singing with laughs and giggles.

"What a perfect day." Jack stated happily, the grin still on his face. He had the camera clutched in his hand, feeling overwhelmed because he knew that all the photos on the camera were of him and Finn, having the best day ever. Finn smiled at him and then frowned as he looked in the car door mirror.

"Not anymore." He mumbled angrily and Jack looked behind them, seeing the paparazzi cars.

"How the hell did they find us!" Jack angrily muttered and Finn shrugged.

"I don't know but we have to lose them."

"Okay let me see," Jack pulled out the map as he spoke, scanning his eyes through the different turns.

"Okay here, take the next left."

"You sure?"

"Yes." Finn turned left and tapped his fingers on the wheel nervously. Jack continued keeping his gaze on the map.

"Okay, take the next left, the road loops back to the highway. Or um... maybe not." Jack said and turned the map upside down with a frown.

"This isn't even a road, Jack." Finn mumbled and the smaller boy ignored him.

"Just keep driving!" He instructed as Finn rolled his eyes.

"That sign said there was a deer crossing and there are no deer."

"You know, you complain more than my sister."

"Are we on the right road or not?"

"Um... not?"

"Just give me the map!"

"No, keep your eyes on the road, I'm the navigator!"

"Oh is that what you call it."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you're such a know it all!"

"A what?"

"A know it all. You're the prince of snap judgements. 'Turn here, this is the right road, I'm sure of it.'"

"I was sure of it!"

"Since you're so sour, you couldn't possible be sure about it."

"I am not!"

"And you're defensive."

"Move the car we're not even moving!" Jack sneered and Finn's eyes widened when he realized the boy was right. While they were fighting, they hadn't noticed that the car had stopped. Finn stepped on the pedal and the car started to sink.

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