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SADIE QUICKLY TURNED ON THE TV, Jack almost wanted to turn it back off when he saw Finn's face.

"So your saying you didn't know this boy?" The interviewer asked and Jack felt his heart drop.

"Uh, Yeah. I mean I don't know what he's saying about me but, I don't know anybody named Jack Grazer. Sorry, Laney, there's nothing more to tell." He replied and turned to the camera with a smile. Jack got up from the chair quickly, rushing off to his room. Sadie rushed behind him, feeling guilty. She knocked on his door then opened it slowly. The boy was lying on his bed crying, the sight made Sadie feel terrible.

"I'm sorry Jack, I shouldn't have put it on." She mumbled and he shook his head.

"It's okay Sadie." He whispered and heard a click, looking towards the window. Sadie looked as well and cursed, seeing the paparazzi taking photos of their house. She shut the curtains quickly.

"They need to fuck off!" She shouted and walked back to Jack's side.

"I thought you liked being on tv?" He asked, trying to joke but his voice cracked as he let out more tears.

"Well yeah but I need to buy a dress for the dance and they're blocking my car." She mumbled and Jack laughed softly.

"Finn said this would happen. He said it would get crazy. Celebrities might have to put up with this, but I don't." He confirmed angrily, getting up and stomping to the door. He opened it quickly, immediately being surrounded by cameras and microphones. Jack stood his ground, keeping on his glare.

"Jack! Jack! Tell us about your weekend with Finn Wolfhard. We only want the truth." A man said and put the microphone towards Jack. The other boy grabbed it, anger igniting in his eyes.

"You don't want the truth. You want a story. You take a good normal person and turn them into your own little reality show. You build him into a big celebrity just so you can tear him down in public. Just so you can sell magazines and TV shows, that's really sick. And Finn Wolfhard is just one example. He's talented, successful. He is all the stuff kid's dream of having. But thanks to you, he's had to give up the best things in life. Freedom, privacy... honesty... so congratulations. You've created a celebrity. But you have wrecked the human being inside. You should be ashamed of yourselves." He finished and there was a beat of silence.

The male reporter turned around to his camera man.

"Did you get that? Jack, just one more question. In your opinion, who's Finn Wolfhard really?" He asked and Jack wanted to scream.

They just threw away everything he said.


"Who is he? I don't know. The Finn Wolfhard you're all so obsessed with... I promise you I never met him. And I wouldn't want to." He confirmed, turning and slamming the door in their faces.


Caleb pauses the show, turning to Finn.

"Didn't you say he was honest?" He asked. They had just watched Jack's interview and Finn wanted to flat out disappear.


"Well Finn you did it. You officially got a role in a movie. And on the way you hurt only a few people!" Caleb said sarcastically and Finn immediately got confused.

"Caleb, I thought you were on my side. You know I didn't have a choice, okay." He replied and Caleb only scoffed, rolling his eyes. Finn was taken aback, not used to this sassy side of his best friend.

"You know what." Caleb stood up, walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Finn asked quickly and Caleb turned to him with a disappointed frown.

"To find my best friend. Because he's not the guy here now." He stated and Finn walked closer.

"Dude, what are you talking about?" He questioned and Caleb rolled his eyes again.

"Are you dumb? 'I didn't have a choice' Well Jack was the answer to everything man."


"Yes! Your life, your choice man. What do you want?" Caleb turned around as he spoke, leaving Finn standing alone.


"Cut! Guys you nailed it. Perfect! That one was perfect. Let's go one more time in 10." David directed and everyone on set nodded, walking off to their different areas. Finn walked up to him nervously.

"Ah Finn! Buddy, great news. You're in. Rehearsals start on Monday."

"I'm actually unavailable."

"Not a problem, we'll change the date." 

"Um no, I came to hey thanks for the offer. I wouldn't lie to be in your little club, I'll pass. You aren't worth it." Finn finished, turning around and strutting off. David watched him go, shocked.

"Wow. Kid's got edge. Fire, I like that. Anyways cue the rain!"


"Hi honey!" Finn's mother said as he came downstairs to where his parents were working. Finn stepped forward and closed their computers harshly, making them both look up at him in shock.

"I'm not doing the movie anymore." He stated and his mother forced a laugh.

"Oh honey, don't be silly, of course you are." She said, about to reopen her computer before Finn stopped her.

"It's too late, I already denied the deal." He confirmed and his dad looked at his mom with a shocked expression.

"Son, it's not even your decision." He said which made Finn roll his eyes.

"Yes it is. I'm 16 years old. I just want to have fun and make music. And it's about time I started managing my own life. So for now, I'd really like you to just be my parents. You're fired." He simply replied and walked away, leaving them behind him just like he was leaving the old Finn Wolfhard behind.

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