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" FOLLOW THE LIGHT WITH YOUR EYES." Jack did as instructed. He was currently with the Doctor in a room closed off by a curtain. Finn was outside the curtain, pacing worriedly. He should be worried about how if Jack's hurt, then the paparazzi would kill him but Finn was more worried about just Jack being hurt. He wouldn't forgive himself if Jack had serious brain damage or something.

"Well done, Jack. I'm done with exam. The CT scan was normal and everything looks good." The Doctor confirmed and Finn quickly opened the curtain.

"So he's okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Out!" The Doctor insisted, closing the curtain and turning back to Jack.

"There's no sign of head trauma or a concussion. Just a big bad bruise." The man continued and Jack nodded along.

"How come I threw up?" He questioned and the Doctor shrugged.

"Maybe you got stressed. Either way you're free to go." He smiles and Jack nodded, standing up.

"Here I'm gonna run through with you what to do to treat yourself though, okay?" The Doctor spoke gently and Jack nodded, sad that his family will not be able to enjoy their vacation because he'll have a big bruise to care about. As they talked, Finn heard his phone ring and vibrate rapidly. He grabbed it and cringed when he realized it was his parents.

"Hi mom!" He whispered and heard her scold him quickly.

"Who? What? When? Now?!!" He asked quickly and she sighed on the other end of the line.

"Yes. Right now!" She commanded and Finn bit his lip, hanging up the phone grimly.

"Okay we got to go." He said, grabbing Jack's arm gently. The Doctor gave Finn a solemn look which made Finn confused.

"That might be a problem." The Doctor began,

"The waiting room is filled with big guys with big cameras." He explained and Finn clenched his fist angrily.

"Okay um... what car do you drive?" He asked the doctor quickly and the man shook his head.

"No way." He stated then watched Finn hold up the keys to his expensive mustang.

"How about a trade?" He suggested and the Doctor gave in, nodding quickly, then tossing Finn his brown keys. The pop star smirked, rushing off to the back door.

They ran down the stairs, Jack made multiple mumbles of pain but Finn was trying his best to rush him without hurting him. Once they got outside Finn pressed down on the keys and a brown old car came to life. He hopped in the passengers side, while Jack got in shotgun.

"Ugh can you hurry I want to go home!" Jack said with a hiss in his tone. Finn looked over, confused. Maybe Jack was still seeing weirdly? Why else would he be rude to Finn Wolfhard.

"Just calm down okay." Finn said softly and went to grab Jack's hand, only to be smacked away by the other boy.

"Ow! What is wrong with you?" He asked abruptly, trying to keep his focus on the road.

"What's wrong with me? Nothing, nothing, I'm looking forward to being grounded until I'm 30 for running off on my own!" Jack insisted and Finn nodded with a sigh.

"Oh so that's why you're so crabby." He muttered and Jack rolled his eyes.

"I am NOT crabby." He said which made Finn scoff.

"Oh so not crabby but just really defensive."

"I am NOT defensive!"

"Oh see? You disagree with everything I say."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Just take me home!"

"Well you see about that..." Finn began as he pulled into his house's parking lot. Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, which made his nose scrunch up, which happened to be super adorable but Finn did not have time to obsess over that at the moment.

"I will take you home but first I need to go meet someone, it will be quick I promise!" He insisted and got out of the car. Jack followed and walked with Finn to the front door step.

"Well Jack, welcome to my humble home." Finn said, opening the door slowly. Jack looked around with big eyes, taking the gigantic mansion in.

"Holy shit." He whispered and Finn smirked. He couldn't help himself from the excitement of making this cute boy impressed. Finn realized then and there that he wouldn't be able to use his fame though, not with this boy. Maybe that's when Finn began falling for him, when he realized Jack wouldn't care for his fame. Because the boy stopped looking around, locking eyes with Finn.

They stared for a moment until someone walked by the door, making Finn realize that his parents were still in the middle of their party.

"You've got to be kidding, you live here?"  Jack whispered after awhile and Finn covered his face quickly. Jack tried to back away but Finn ushered him up the stairs.

"Go go!" He said quietly and Jack complied with a frown.

"Could you stop pulling me so harshly." The small boy sneered out and Finn lightened his grip.

"Where even are we going, Finn?" Jack continued asking questions until Finally they entered Finn's room.

"Oh. You didn't know where to hide me." Jack realized and frowned even more now. Finn shook his head quickly, trying to stop Jack from thinking the worst.

"Not hiding you, I just don't want these people to see you."

"Because I'm not a movie star."

"No. Hey, just because I don't want anyone asking questions and neither do you. 'Who is he?' 'Where'd you meet him?' 'Are you dating?'"

"Why would they ask that, you're literally straight?"

"No- yes I'm.. yes anyways stay in my room okay."

"Do I have a choice?"

"No." Finn finished and backed up to the door.

"Just. Stay. Stay." And Finn turned around one more time as he spoke, to see Jack put his hands by his side and let out a sarcastic,


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