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JACK DIDN'T LIKE FINN WOLFHARD, Then he fell in love with him and now he hates him. But he doesn't, he knows that deep down he still loves him. Jack walked over to a phone booth beside the beach, to call a taxi. Finn was across from him taking pictures with fans and smiling big. He looked like he was truly happy and it made Jack want to cry. So right when he stepped into the phone booth, he broke down. The tears came in streams of flowing salty shame. Jack tried not to let out sobs and he heaved his breaths.

Across the beach Finn was watching, feeling just as heartbroken.

Behind a bush, someone else was watching as well. A member of the paparazzi noticed how these boys had walked out together both sad. The man took this chance to take photos of Jack, breaking down and then walking out of the booth, wiping his eyes. The paparazzi smirked as he got a photo of Finn watching the boy go with a frown.

When Jack got home, his mom tried to ask him where he was but he had already broken down into sobs. She just hugged him, deciding on asking later.

Sadie watched from the doorframe, confused at the state of her little brother.


"I can be your hero." Finn sang out, not even feeling like the song fit anymore. He was in the recording studio with Calpurnia. Currently still sad. Malcom patted his back sympathetically, not even knowing why his friend was so heartbroken.

"That was great Finn, take 5." The recording manager said proudly and Finn just nodded. The band all walked out, but Ayla stayed behind, walking towards Finn slowly.

"You okay?" She asked, going up to see Finn looking through photos of him and Jack on his laptop. Jack smiling next to Moana, Finn pretending to be Spider-Man but most importantly Finn and Jack hugging with grins in front of the big castle.

"You went to Disney?" Ayla questioned and Finn shrugged.

"Yeah. I can't... I can't get him out of my mind." He whispered, tracing Jack's grin in one of the photos.

"What's his name?" Ayla asked with a soft smile which made Finn smile at the memory.

"His names Jack." Finn replied as Ayla rubbed his back gently.

"He's adorable." She told Finn but the raven haired boy already knew that.

"He's real, you know? He's annoyingly honest. He's smart, he's cool, he's funny.... and he's so so oh god he's beautiful." Finn confessed and someone coughed by the door. Both Finn and Ayla turned to see Millie with a forced smile.

"Hello. Talking about me?" She asked sarcastically and sent Ayla a glare. The blonde rolled her eyes and turned back to Finn.

"I'll be outside." She said while walking out. Finn looked at Millie with some guilt, he couldn't help but feel bad. He almost cheated on her, he didn't but he was so close to and that's a dick movie on his part.

"Mills look I can explain-"

"I don't wanna know who he is. Is he an actor? Is he more famous than me?" She questioned glancing from Finn to the picture of Jack.

"No he's not an actor... he's not famous at all." Finn admitted as Millie's phone buzzed.

"Then I really don't understand why you would pick him," she spoke as she grabbed her phone, looking at the notification.

"I didn't pick him, it just kind of happened." Finn mumbled which made Millie roll her eyes. She looked back up at him sternly.

"Bullshit. That only happens in movies or Wattpad fanfictions. This is the real world, Finn. Oh. I have a date with Jacob, I have to go." She said simply and then turned to leave. Finn raised an eyebrow, walking forward.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked and Millie turned back around with a sassy smile.

"Uh huh." Was all she replied with before turning soft for a moment.

"Friends?" She asked genuinely and Finn found himself actually smiling.

"Yeah, of course Mills." He answered and She grinned back.

"Mwah!" She blew him a kiss while she left, Finn somehow felt better after all that. Malcom strolled back in and gave Finn a high five.

"Dude your free!" He cheered and Finn just laughed. He quickly took out his phone.

"I'm gonna call some people real quick, is that cool?" He asked Malcom and his band mate nodded. Finn rushed to a different room, dialing Iris' number.

"Hey Iris, it's Finn." He said softly when she answered and he heard a gasp.

"Finn! Is Millie letting you off the leash at the moment ooor?"

"We broke up."

"No way! I'm happy for you, that relationship was forced!"

"Yeah we'll do you wanna hang out sometime? Like old times? I miss you."

"Yeah of course! I gotta go but text me okay!" She hanged up after speaking and Finn grinned. Iris was like his sister and when Millie told him to drop her, he was depressed. He still needed to call one more person.

"Sophia Lillis." He said smugly, almost laughing as he heard squealing on the other line.

"Finland! Fucking hell!"

"Soph, I missed you!"

"Not as much as I missed you! Did you and Millie break up or something?"


"So she's single? Because she's kinda cute so-"


"Sorry my gay took over. Anyways wanna hang today since you're free?"

"Hell yeah!" They talked for a few more minutes, making plans to have coffee after Finn's recording session. He rushed back to his band, with a big grin. He's gained back his two best friends and now he's on good terms with Millie. All he needed now was... Finn's smile dropped in realization.

He wondered what Jack was doing.

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