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" YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. " Finn muttered as he stared at the ugly small car in front of him.

"She runs like a top." Jack teased and Finn couldn't help but laugh lightly. Two paparazzi cars drove up as he did and he immediately pulled Jack down.

"Shit shit shit! I can't believe they know where to find me!" He shouted softly and Jack rolled his eyes.

"My sister knows where to find you." He mumbled back as they watched the paparazzi climb out of the cars.

"Here put these on." Finn directed, handing Jack the sunglasses that were on his face. Jack hesitantly put them on, adjusting his eyes to how dark they were. Finn sneaked around to the drivers side and Jack snuck over to the shotgun. They climbed in quickly, both nervously shutting the doors.

"Buckle up and put your head down." Finn directed and he lightly pushed Jack's head further down and the boy let out small protests.

"Hey! It's down!" He claimed and Finn cracked a small smile, turning the car in gear. They drove off as the paparazzi watched them and then turned around after seeing no Finn Wolfhard. They both laughed and cheered as they got on the highway.

"Hey I need those sunglasses back." Finn claimed and Jack giggled which made Finn's heart swell.

"Oh, I don't know I kind of like them." The small boy teased and Finn turned to him quickly with a genuine smile.

"I'll give them to you then. You look adorable with shades." He stated and Jack flushed bright red again.

"For real? Cause my friends won't believe that I, Jack Dylan Grazer, actually have a pair of Finn Wolfhard's sunglasses worn by Finn Wolfhard himself! Will you autograph them for me?" He said playfully and Finn chuckled.

"Haha very funny."

"Don't you mean very FINNy?"

"Okay now you're just being weird."

"What? Was my joke not PUNny enough for you?"

"Jack!" Finn started to crack up as he drove. The smaller boy seemed to have quite the humor.

"But seriously I want these glasses." He admitted and Finn shook his head. He oh so wished that he could give them to the smaller boy, who looked more cute in those glasses than Finn ever did, but Finn needed them to hide his identity.

"Come on give them." He said and held out his hand. Jack groaned while handing the taller boy his shades.

"So how long do I have to drive around with you this time?" Jack asked curiously with a light hearted tone.

"Only until the paparazzi leave the beach. Hey let's go do something!" He suggested happily and Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Anything. Wait have you ever been to Universal Studios?" Finn asked excitedly and Jack laughed softly.

"No but c'mon Finn that would cost loads. You don't have to." He replied sweetly and Finn felt so much love for this boy, he might explode.

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