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" HOLY CRAP! " Sadie squealed as she looked at the car which responded to the keys in her purse. It looked expensive as hell. Sadie opened the drivers side and saw a license.

"Finn Wolfhard?" She asked and looked around, confused.

"I must be the luckiest girl alive!" She squealed and felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, seeing Caleb there, confused.

"Sadie? How'd you get our car keys?" He asked slowly and she shrugged, handing him the keys.

"I can't find my car. Could I get a ride?" She asked and Caleb nodded with a grin.

"Sure! Get in!"


"Hey, how are you doing, you okay?" Finn asked after awhile. He had been walking back with Jack to the beach and it had been about 30 minutes of dead silence.

"Now your concerned?" Jack asked skeptical and Finn nodded softly.

"I've always been concerned." He whispered, making Jack scoff.

"Maybe you should stop." The brunette replied and Finn felt angry again.

"Why are you so grumpy?" He asked which made Jack stop walking and turn back to meet Finn's eyes.

"I'm not grumpy or cranky or crabby. I just want to get home to my family and explain why I disappeared and suffer the consequences." He explained while Finn bit his lip.

"Do you know what I want? I want to have fun, okay? For the first time in years, there's no reporters, there's no interviewers and there's no crowds. I'm having a great time! I want you to stop complaining so I can enjoy it!" Finn harshly replied back, walking forward and Jack backed away with his own anger.

"Oh so that's what it's like for you? You don't get what you want so you throw a big old tantrum and walk away? You know I bet your friends chase after you when you do that. Oh Finnie, I'm so sorry I hurt your delicate little feelings! Finnie forgive me for not treating you like the big enormous star you think you are! But really you're just a brat." He finished and Finn stepped forward more, getting close to Jack's face.

"What, I'm a brat? IM the brat? What about you huh?" He asked and Jack backed up while Finn continued stepping forward.

"What?" The smaller boy questioned and Finn scoffed.

"Yeah. In the last two days I have done nothing but think about you!" He desperately said and Jack continued backing up.

"Really. So when you hit me with a door, hid me in your house, crashed into me with a skateboard, wrecked my grandmothers car and dropped me in much you were just being thoughtful?! Oh I pity your friends!" Jack hissed out as his back hit a tree. Finn cornered him, putting his hands on either side of Jack, leaning up close to the smaller boy.

"You wish you were one." He whispered and immediately felt guilty as he saw the hurt that flashed in Jack's eyes.

"I'd rather go down with Sonia." Jack stated, shoving Finn off of him and walking past him.

"You know, I'm confused about something." Finn continued, following behind Jack.

"What." Jack said boredly, not even turning to look back.

"Okay well when we were on our little adventure I thought you liked me?" Finn asked slowly and Jack stopped, still facing away from Finn.

"You thought wrong." He finished, then continued walking.

"But everyone likes me, why don't you like me?" Finn asked slowly and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Because you THINK everyone likes you." He muttered and Finn grabbed his shoulder, turning the smaller boy to face him.

"Because I'm likable." He clarified, earning a 'really?' look from Jack.

"No, because you're a spoiled star."

"What does that mean?" Finn questioned but something told him that he didn't want to know the answer. Jack stepped forward, challengingly again.

"You don't even see it, do you? Your life isn't real. You park in no parking zones, you never have to wait in line. You buy anything you want anytime. Your house is like a hotel. You have so many people working for you and I bet you don't even know their names." Jack concluded and Finn fiddled with his hands.

"I-" He began and felt his anxiety pick up. Jack didn't seem to notice.

"Your best friend is your driver and costar, your parents are on your pay roll and your girlfriend I mean, real people date someone because they want to be with them. Why are you even with Millie?" He asked and waited for an answer. Finn tried to speak but his breathing was picking up and his stress level was high. He was going to have an anxiety attack. The last time he had one was after the media outed him, that was embarrassing enough and now this one is in front of Jack. That gave him even more anxiety as he began to shake.

"I-" He tried but his breathing was rugged.

"That's what I'm saying." Jack concluded, walking away. Finn felt stress and anger and worry, making him grab onto a tree to steady himself. The anxiety was everywhere and he couldn't breathe.

"Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" He repeated in a raspy voice. Jack worriedly turned around, rushing to Finn, dropping all of his previous anger.

"Finn? Look at me it's okay." He whispered and the raven haired boy continued to freak out.

"Don't leave me." Finn let out a muffled sob as he spoke and Jack frowned, shaking his head.

"I'm not going anywhere. Come on." Jack said and opened his arms, Finn graciously fell into them, letting Jack hug him.

The boys held onto each other, both scared to let the other one go.

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