🐱 Chapter 2. Work

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The next morning, I was making myself ready for school. My excitement wasn't for school, but for work afterward. I worked on the weekend and Monday. Although, Mirage had asked me if I wanted to work another day in the week. I told him I would discuss this with my mom. I saw on his face that he was confused. Why should I ask my mom? But he had only a nod and continued working.
However, I haven't asked my mom just yet. She's not going to like it and probably ends up in a speech. Anyway, today, Dino was going to teach me some combat skills. School itself was boring, so as soon as the bell buzzed I headed for the base. "Hi Dino!" he jolted up from my sudden yell. "You don't have to yell..." he sulked as he bent over to pick up the files he dropped. "I am sorry..." I said, softer this time. He sighed and studied me for a moment. "You are going to teach me to fight, right?" I asked.

"Yes, that's what I am going to attempt," he replied. "I feel insulted..." I muttered. "Why?" he asked, giving me a confused look. "Attempt?" I asked. "Si... I don't think you are able to perform every move I show you today perfectly. Takes a few months... but it's fine," he replied. I gave him a look but flopped on the chair. "Have you talked to your mom yet?" he asked. "No, she's not going to like it... and I don't know how to ask her," I sulked. He turned fully towards me, crossing his arms while leaning against his desk. "Look, I don't want to mix in how things work between you and your carrier, but why do you ask? It's your life, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I know... but things are complicated. She's protective over me... Even to get a job for three days I had to complain for over a year. She was very strict. I am not allowed to work in stores or other places with lots of people and I lied to her about this too. I told her it was... only paperwork and not at a military base with lots of people wandering around," I explained. "I think it's weird... sorry," he said. "You're not the only one. I want more freedom too... She's only trying to protect me. That's all..." I replied. "You know... this is going on for a very long time. Most days I am isolated... The only trip I have is at school, but my mom made a whole scene the day I got there, that no one wants to talk to me anymore. I am a misfit and my social skills are horrible... she never takes me anywhere, not even to family occasions... I haven't seen my family since I am four..."

"What about your sire?"
"My dad? He died six years ago..."
"I am sorry for your loss..."

"It's okay..."

"I don't want to mix into your business... I am not allowed to do that either, but I can talk to your mother if you'd like," he suggested. "Really? You would try?" I asked. He nodded, "I can pass by tomorrow..." he said. I smiled and nodded, "yes... that would be great," I chirped. He smiled and nodded, gesturing to me to follow him. "Come... I'll show you the gym and training room. I didn't have the change the other day," he replied.
Happily, I followed. "I think your social skills aren't that bad... you're just really excited," he replied. "I read most of it online and watched other kids interact with each other. I do have my struggles, but try to hide it," I muttered. As we neared the training room, I started to get nervous, and 'what if' scenarios popped up in my head.

"Do you like cats?"
He gave me a confused look. "Cats? Why?" he asked. "Curious... I like cats," I replied. He sucked in a breath. "I do... I haven't really seen one in real life though," he admitted. I hummed and entered the training room. It was huge and defined in different sections. The gym was connected to it.

As he was done explaining everything, he turned towards me. "I presume you have other clothing with you?" he asked. I looked at him, confused. "Other clothing?" I asked, looking at myself. "You don't like it?" Dino cocked his head to the side in confusion. "No, but I can't train you in this outfit... you need sports clothing," he replied. "Leggings and sports... bra or top, whatever you prefer," he replied.
"And no beany, it's a no go," he added. "I don't wear anything else, then skirts or dresses..." I replied eventually. "You have to..." he stated. "It's a military base... you should wear pants and a top anyway," he replied, giving me a strict look. I didn't know what to say or what to do next. "Why don't you wear anything else?" he asked. "I-... I-..." I trailed off. Dino sucked in a breath and crossed his arms again.

I was saved as someone walked in. "Yo, Dino!" I recognized him. Jazz. Dino gave a small nod in return. "Hey, Skyler..." he chirped. I gave a nervous smile and slowly started to wonder if my mom was right or not. "Ratchet would like to meet you..." Jazz added. I looked at Dino. I know he's the medic and I don't want him to examine me. "Meeting me?" I asked. "We better don't let him wait then, otherwise he gets impatient," he said.

I gulped, following Dino, and said my goodbyes to Jazz. I hate doctors in general. This isn't going to end well. Guess my mom was right about a couple of things and I felt stupid and nervous. Dino pushed open a door with a sign 'Medbay' on it and let me towards one of the many rooms. Ratchet turned as he heard us and laid down the datapad. I mustered a smile on my face. "You must be Skyler..." he said. I nodded, stepping away from Dino. "Uhm, yeah..." I replied, my voice a little more than a whisper.
I haven't been this nervous for a very long time. I felt uneasy and shy even. I scanned the room briefly, taking note of all the equipment. I could feel all the color drain from my face and my heartbeat increase. I think Ratchet and Dino both noticed. "I just wanted to meet you... I meet every new member here," he replied. "I need to ask you a few questions..." he added, grabbing his datapad. I tried to relax a little, nodding slightly. "It's a standard procedure," he added.

"Are you on medication?"
"Do you have heart problems?"
"which blood group do you have?"

After what happened to me, my blood group changed. In fact, my whole DNA changed and turned me into a Neko. He hummed and looked up. "That's rare..." he replied. I nodded slightly. "Have you operated in the past?" He questioned. "Yes, I am..." I replied. "On what?" he asked. I became quiet because I wasn't sure either what they exactly did. "I don't know..." Ratchet looked up. "You don't know?" he asked. I shook my head and looked down at the floor. "Are there any genetic illnesses in your family?" he asked. "My father died from brain cancer, but It wasn't genetic... I believe..." I sulked. Ratchet nodded and looked up. "Any other things I should know?" I asked. "No, I don't think so," I sulked. "Then you are good to go... There's a yearly checkup for rookies. So, I would like to run some simple tests, but that's not for now," he said. I nodded and quickly left, shivering a little at the smell of hospital. Dino didn't say anything about the things I had said. Luckily for me.

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