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"There! Jacob will love these!"

There was no one else here. I was talking to myself of course. Jacob was with my ex and well, I was alone. My phone buzzed on the counter and I put the last sheet of cookies in the oven before checking it. It wasn't like Kevin was talking to me anymore.

Hey! How are you holding up??

I'm Ok Megan. Thanks for asking

Lil you can't fool me.

Fine. I'm miserable. I'm barely hanging on. I'm pretty sure we're over. He hasn't talked to me in 2 months. He won't respond to anything. We had one stupid incident in 3 years and he just leaves me with no explanation or anything. I love him and he doesn't care at all.

Maybe he needs space

For 2 months? He's avoiding me. He abandoned me. He KNOWS my past with Matt and Damien. How could he do that? I destroyed everything and he won't even accept my apology or give me a chance to fix it. Why can't he just be honest with me?

Hey, at least you guys aren't married or were going to get married. Imagine how bad that would be for Jacob.

Jake asked about him the other night. I burst into tears. He likes Kevin more than his own father. It sucks. I just want him back.

I know you do Lillian. But you can't sit around waiting for him to grow up. I know you left Gabe for him. You gave up a lot for him. Just let it be for now.

Did you want to do something with me today? Gabe has Jake until tonight. I want to deliver something somewhere.

Yeah. Sounds mysterious. I'll be over in a minute. Let me tell Jarrid.

Megan was my best friend. We'd been friends for ages and I loved her like a sister. We told each other everything and she knew me so well. She's been there for every heartbreak and I've been there for hers. We've been through hell and back together.

I took a small gift box from the pantry and packaged a dozen cookies. This had to be the dumbest idea I'd ever had, but I thought if I brought Megan along it wouldn't be so awkward. Truth is I hadn't gotten him off of my mind in weeks.

The door bell rang and I smiled opening it

"Welcome to my.....home?"

"Lilly? You really have been having a hard time. Did you want me to help you get things back in order??"

"No. I know it's a bit of a mess, but I can take care of it."

"Are you sure??"

"Positive. Anyway we're not staying. We're going on an adventure."

"Adventure where?" She raised an eyebrow

"I want to deliver a box of cookies to someone" I grinned

"Oh? To who?"

"His name is Nicholas"

"Nicholas!? Who is Nicholas?"

"Uhhh...a guy I couldn't stop staring at during jury duty and then my car broke down and he helped me."

"When was this?"

"Few weeks ago. He's a mechanic. And he's so nice and I just wanted to give these to him to say thank're looking at me weird."

"Why don't you just give him a good Yelp review?"

"It is weird...great..." I mumbled

"No. No Lilly. I'm sorry. Let's go take him your cookies. I didn't mean to imply anything."

The Love of Jury DutyWhere stories live. Discover now