Just Friends?

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Jacob ran to me as I walked in the door. I knelt down and hugged him tight

"Oh I've missed you. Are you having a good day with grandma??"

"Yeah. Are you gonna play with me??"

"Awww I can later Jake. I've gotta get ready to go."

I stood up and started walking to my bedroom to pick out an outfit. Jake followed behind me talking my ear off. He was silly and goofy making faces and talking about friends at school.

"Mom, is Kevin coming over?"

I sighed and closed my eyes

"No Jake. Kevin is gone. He doesn't like mommy anymore so he left. I know you liked him a lot. I really liked him a lot too. But he left and isn't calling me back or anything. Please don't ask me about Kevin anymore. Can you do that?"

"But...we were gonna play."

"I know you were. I know. He broke a lot of promises and it's hard to understand. Even I don't understand and I'm a grown up. Grandma will play with you. I will play with you when I get home. OK? I'm sorry Jake."

"Ok" he sighed sadly leaving the room

I took a pair of distressed boot cut jeans, wide tan belt, white tank top and peach colored cardigan out with a sigh before retreating to the bathroom to get ready. I locked the door and turned on the fan and sink to drown out the tears.

The hardest part is the constant reminder from Jake. Kevin used to play with Jake all of the time. They'd wrestle, build things, play video games, watch tv and movies, play outside. I was afraid to bring Kevin around Jake at first because the current situation is what I wanted to avoid. But Kevin promised he wouldn't leave. Promised he wouldn't hurt Jake or me. Promised he wouldn't abandon us and...here we are.

I looked at the time and collected myself. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed giving myself a pep talk

"He is gone. You had an amazing day and you're about to have an amazing night. Think about Nick."

I smiled and put on my outfit. Holy crap this tank makes my boobs look huge. I turned sideways and chuckled to myself and shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't intentional. I just figured the outfit looked cute in the closet. I added a slight curl to my medium length brown hair and put on make up that brought out my brown eyes.

"Mommy, you look pretty!"

Jake smiled and followed me down the hall. It made me smile and I stopped and gave him a hug.

"What is on your face?"

"Make up."

"I love it."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. He was so sweet and some of the stuff he said made me laugh. I put on a pair of gold flats and some understated costume jewelry.

"I'll try not to be late mom."

"It's fine. You go have fun for once. Do you mind if I take him out for dinner or yogurt or something?"

"Go ahead. I'm sure he'd like that. Have fun with grandma Jake!!"

It was a 45 minute drive from here to the Galleria. I had the radio blaring and singing along. Anything to keep distracted from my nerves. I was actually nervous. This wasn't a date. This was two friends hanging out and eating dinner. Which sort of sounded like a date, but it wasn't. Even though I was dressed like I was going on a date. Uggghh it's not a date Lilly!! Stop it!!

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