Yosemite Surprise

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"How's Jacob doing?" Kelly asked

I spread the fudge filling across the chocolate sheet cake and sighed. Today felt impossible. It was crazy busy at work. I was anxious to get off and text Nick and call Gabe to get an update on Jake.

"He's doing better. He's used to the cast, but has some pain. The doctor has us giving him Tylenol or Advil for kids when he really needs it."

"That's good that he's doing better. How is Nick?" She smirked

"Nick is just fine." I smirked icing the cake in chocolate icing

"I'm sure he is." She smirked raising an eyebrow

"He is. He is amazing and sweet and handsome and sexy and..."

"Well you can stop now...."

She pointed at the case and I grinned and ran and jumped into his arms. He laughed hugging me tighter and kissed my cheek. I loved when he came to surprise me like this. It wasn't often at all which made it even better

"What are you doing here!?!?"

"I came to surprise you. The first of many today."


He took my hand and led me outside. There was nothing that could wipe the grin off of my face.

"I'm so excited that you're here!! You never come visit me at work."

"I know." He chuckled pulling me close and pecked my lips "I was dying to see you."

"Don't you work today?"

"Nope. What time are you off?"

"2:30. Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Because I wanted to know. Because maybe I wanted to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend when she gets off of work."

"Really?" I grinned

"Yes really!"

Nick grinned and kissed me softly. This was the best surprise. I loved when he surprised me like this. I loved that we were getting some time alone on a day when we're usually not together. He pulled me back and grinned watching me. I blushed and looked down shyly.

"Sooooo I should let you get back to work. Are you ready for a fun weekend?"

"Weekend!?!?" I gasped grinning. "Me and you!?! But..."

"Yep. Me and you and my surprise when you get home."

"I'm so excited!!!" I squealed

"One more thing. You do like outdoorsy stuff right? Hiking, camping, nature...that sort of thing?"

"I love it!"

"Awesome. See you later. I love you."

I pecked his lips and hugged him tight before pulling away to head back to work.

"I love you. So much!!" I grinned.

Nick winked at me and headed out to his truck. I quickly went back inside and started working on cakes again. It felt like this day was dragging. All I could think about was spending the weekend with Nick and this apparent surprise at home. Of course that was part of the reason why today was taking so long.

"God! Today is taking forever!!" I whined

"Oh relax. It's only because you want to be home with Nick."

"Can you blame me? He's so hot and damn he's good in bed...."

"Ok. Ok. Thanks but no."

I chuckled and looked at the clock again. Excitedly I started cleaning up. There was nothing that was going to stop me from enjoying every single second of this weekend. I clocked out and made a beeline for the door.

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