Secret Revealed:Weekend

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"You have been in a great mood for the past month. What gives?"

"I have? Weird. I've just been doing my normal thing."

"Are you getting laid or something?"

"What? I'm not going to tell you that."

I laughed bolting the alternator into place

"You and Lindsey have been getting freaky haven't you."

I laughed again and looked up at Mike and shook my head

"No. Actually. Not that you need to know that. I'm just looking forward to this weekend."

"Oh! What's this weekend?"

"A make believe car show."

"Cover story for Lindsey?" He sighed "what are you really doing?"

"Spending the weekend at Lilly's"

"At Lilly's? As in staying there, sleeping in the same bed, playing family man with the other woman?"

"Well, when you put it that way it doesn't sound as awesome, but yes actually."

"I didn't know that was still going on."

"It is." I sighed "keep this on the DL...I'm trying to save some money so I can officially end it with Lindsey."

"You're joking?"

"No. I'm dead serious. I want to be with Lilly. I mean she's my girlfriend, but I don't want to sneak around anymore. I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of hiding. I just want to be with her."

"Wait Lilly is your girlfriend?? Since when?"

"About a month now."

"Has she been modeling that hot bikini for you."

I placed the timing belt into place and looked up at him making a face. I knew he was teasing and joking but I didn't like him talking about Lilly that way

"Not that this is any of your business, but no."

"Oooo getting snippy about the girlfriend. Calm down I don't want her. I'm just teasing."

We worked all morning on the engine and exhaust of this latest car. My work was coming out better than it ever had been. Maybe my relationship with Lilly is something I've needed for quite some time. I paused and checked my phone smiling

What time are you having lunch?

Shit! That was hours ago. She probably thinks I'm ignoring her

I was just about to! Sorry it took so long. I've been rebuilding an engine all day.

Aww bummer. That's OK. I'll see you later tonight.

I can't wait

I sighed and went back to installing another belt

"Are we getting lunch or what?"

"Yeah." I groaned fighting this belt "after I get this we can get lunch."

"Oh...looks like I'm having lunch alone."


I turned around and couldn't contain my grin. Lilly walked in carrying two plastic bags. She looked adorable as always in her jean shorts and light pink shirt

"What are you doing here?"

I gave her a friendly side hug. She knew at work it couldn't be much more and I was sure she'd tease me about it later

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