The Accident

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"You are so extremely happy. It's sickening."

"Thanks Megan" I chuckled

"No, seriously I'm happy for you Lil. You needed this so much after Kevin and Gabe."

"Yeah. I just...I can't describe how I feel."

"You don't have to. It's written on your face. The big question is does Jake like him?"

"Jake loves Nick. He's so good with Jake. He took Jacob to O'Reilly a couple weeks ago and bought some oil and a filter for my car. I go out to the garage and they're both under my car changing oil."

"Sounds like Nick fits right in to your life. Have you spent any time with his daughter?"

"No. He's working on a trip to Disneyland for us and the kids. The problem is his wife has Abby all of the time. It's hard for him to get Abby to himself."

" he going to leave her? You guys have been together for like 4 months now."

"Yes. He is." I sighed "He wants to wait until after Christmas. It's just a few more months."

We put the bags into the trunk of my car and headed back to my house. I smiled and sighed thinking about Nick coming over tonight. I missed him so much. I hadn't seen him all week because he was out of town for a car show, but I'd been keeping up on the Internet.

"Oh looks like you've got company." Megan smiled nudging me

I squealed and got so excited. He was early, but I was not complaining. I pulled the car into the garage and got out of the car as fast as I could. I ran and jumped into his arms hugging him tight. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and spun me around. He set me down and kissed me grinning. I'd missed him so much

"I missed you so much" he smiled

"I missed you too. So so so much. You're early!!"

"Surprise!" He grinned

"Yay!!" I squealed "I love it!! I love you!!"

He laughed and hugged me tight again

"I love you Lilly. So much. It's so good to be home and have you in my arms."

He kissed my lips and cheeks and grinned. Part of me wondered if he did the same with his wife or if this was something just for me. I grinned and took him in. He was so handsome and amazing. I'd missed his green eyes and amazing smile. I missed the smell of his after shave and the feeling I got when I kissed him.

"What?" He smiled

"I just...I missed you so much. I know we talked on the phone and stuff, but nothing compares to having you here."

"I know that feeling."

He grinned wrapping his arm around me. I leaned into him and rest my head against him. Nick helped Megan and I carry the groceries inside before going out to his car to collect his things

"I stand corrected" Megan half smiled

"How so?" I smiled unloading a bag

"He came directly here. He didn't even go home to his wife and daughter first. He really does love you and missed you."

"You doubted him?"

"Yeah a little. I mean you guys have been together for four months and he still hasn't left his wife. But I stand corrected."

The door from the garage slammed shut and I grinned watching him walk in with a suitcase.

"Moving in?"

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