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We all sit out on the benchers, ready for the teacher to begin. "So, like I said we'd be fighting. Let me see my list.." He trails off, and looks at his list. His eyes go wide a bit, and he looks at bakago and deku. "Bakago agents....deku. Shoto todoroki agents Tenya. Deniki agents Mina. And...karishima agents Kazashi." He reads, and them looks up. I scan people's reactions, and the blonde haired boy from earlier is smiling evilly at deku. I guess they don't get a long well. "Everyone line up next to your partner."
People begin to line up, and I run to the red haired boy. "Hey, do you know who karishima is?" I ask, smiling. He smiles, and says, "me". I'm taken back in surprise, and just go with it nodding. We line up next to each other, and I start to feel uneasy. What if I lose in front of all these people? That would suck. I take a deep breath. "Nervous?" Karishima asks, and I look up at him. "Yeah." I respond honestly. I bite my cheek from the inside. "Don't worry, everyone's nervous their first time!" He says Pumped up, and I smile at his excitement. He's very nice. I can tell we will be friends. "Thanks." I say, and nod my head. "Alright! First team up, Tenya and Shoto Todoroki!" The teacher yells, and they walk up to the ground. We all back up for them. "Begin."
       There fight was about 20 minutes long. And boy, I was taken back at how they don't give up easly, and how Todoroki was very cool. He has one quirk that's mine to, fire. After there fight, other fights where settled. Bakago and deku just fought. I think Bakago has anger problems. When the teacher announced it was a draw, Bakago got really angry. It scared me how angry he got. He started cursing under his breath. "Next time, I'm going to kick your ass deku! You better be grateful your even breathing right now!" He yelled at deku in his face, and I felt bad. Why is he all a sudden so mean?
Deku walked up to me, and rolled his eyes at Bakago.  "He has anger problems." I mumble to deku, and he laughs. "Y-Yeah, he does. You should probably try not to interfere with him, he'll probably blast you with fire." He says smiling, and I nod. "So, I lot of people have a fire quirk around here?" I ask. "Not really. Only Todoroki and Bakago have a fire quirk." Deku says, and I nod once again. "And me." I smile, and he's taken back in surprise. "Oh." He nods, thinking. "Karishima agents Kazashi!" The teacher calls. Deku smiles, "You've got this". I smile at his kindness, and walk up with karishima. We stand on the opposite sides of the ground. "Ready to see what I got?" Karishima smiles, and poses. "Bring it on." I respond, and smirk. He smiles, and shrugs. "Begin."

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