First Time for Everything

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This one certainly isn't as good as the last one. I'm better at the deep thought, angst moments, lol. Not only is it not as good but also much shorter, only half the size, I reckon. So bare with me please.
Anyways, thanks for reading and I guess I'll get on with the story!!

Matching: Aziraphale x Crowley
Song: None
Written: June 11

A little bell above the door gave a little ring, signifying somebody opened the door. The male ran a hand through his wet hair, rain droplets soaking his jacket. He took off his sunglasses as they fogged up and folded them, placing them in his pocket. His snake-like eyes glanced around the eerily empty shop.

"We're closed!" Came a British voice from the back of the rare-books bookshop. Ah, so that's why it was empty.

"I brought something for you," a smooth voice replied, the man smirked.

A platinum blond haired male poked his head from around a corner, "Crowley! This is a surprise!"

The man, Crowley, shrugged and held up a few bottles of wine, "want a drink?"

And it was settled, the two males sat on a couch in the back of the shop with their alcoholic drinks.

"–'n I told her, 'Yeh better watch your mouth, lass! Or I'll stick em on yeh!" Aziraphale used a pencil to mock a sword threaten. Crowley erupted into laughter, closing his eyes in his fit. In doing so, he missed the adoring look he got from his friend, his counterpart, the angel.

He clutched an almost empty wine bottle in one hand and gripped the couch cushion in the other. " 'n sso what 'appened next?"

Aziraphale shrugged, "I apologized and told her she had a nice human."

"Oh Annngel, you d'know that people don' talk to them 'petsss' in public, righ'?" Crowley snickered, pronouncing the 'g' in angel like a j. He quickly downed the rest of the bottle.

Aziraphale smiled at the male demon. "I know that, Crowley."

"Then why'dya do it if you knew it woulda made you out like you were crazzy, mm?"

"Because I wanted to show you that I, too, can be improper. I'm not perfect. After all, I do love you."

"Mhm! And I love ye too, Angel," Crowley smiled a toothy grin, the brightest smile Aziraphale was sure he'd ever gotten. "I'd wanted to tell you for a while, Azzy. T-too ssscared," he hiccuped mid-sentence.

Aziraphale smiled; he really hoped Crowley wouldn't remember this in the morning. After all, it would seem like Aziraphale, the angel, took advantage of Crowley's blabbermouth state to retrieve information. And that's not very angel-like, now is it? Aziraphale wasn't even sure that his demon friend would believe him if he told him face to face, sober and all.

     Crowley yawned and, from his sitting position, laid sideways on the couch, resting his head on the angel's lap.

     Aziraphale's eyes widened and he blushed, but let the sleepy, drunk demon do it. The angel hummed a soft lullaby as he ran his hands through Crowley's hair.

     He said it. He finally said it. Granted, it was when Crowley was heavily drunk so he hopefully wouldn't remember but he said it.

     As Crowley drifted off into a light sleep, Aziraphale's mind wandered to the best moments they two had spent together like today, a few times last week, every time they go out for dinner or drink, and definitely all those times Aziraphale ends up in trouble because, well, Crowley is always there to save him.

     Would that make Crowley his knight in shining armour?

     A demon.. a knight in shining armour? A demon in shining armour, maybe. I don't think anything that absurd has ever been heard of. Well, Aziraphale thought, there's a first time for every thing.

     Yes, a first time for everything.

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