What Did the Plants Do?

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Inspired by a comment from @Mr_Doctor_is_Strange
So I hope this does you justice!

Matching: None Really
Song: None
Written: June 23-24

Anthony J Crowley, preferably Crowley, a demon who had recently escaped the clutches of the demons, the angels, the supposedly 'inevitable' claws of Armageddon, and the grief that rocked him when he thought Aziraphale, his best friend, died.

This demon was filled to the brim with relief after all of this. Who wouldn't be? But he was also quite tired, and stressed.

All of it was too much happening in such a little time, he wanted to blow off some steam without, of course, hurting his favourite angel in anyway. What better way was there than to take it out on his beloved plants?

"Iss that what I think it isss?" The snake-eyed demon hissed with such venom, all surrounding plants shook uncontrollably in fear. "A sspot, hm?"

Crowley narrowed his eyes at the singled out Chinese Evergreen. He slammed his hands on the table it sat upon, the little plant shook with such a speed, it would've been just a blur to any normal-eyed persons. Several metres away, sat a flower shaking with almost the same intensity.

What caught Crowley's attention was a singular petal falling to the ground. He stopped what he was doing and, if he wanted to, he could've burned holes into the Sunflower with nothing but his glare.

"What did you jusst do?" Crowley marched over and picked the petal up off of the ground, he held it up to the sunflower. "What. Is. This?"

Crowley was fuming, that's two plants in the same day that disappointed him. "Why do you plantsss like to get rid of your petals and leaves? Do you think this as some sort of game?"

With Crowley's attention on the plants around him, he didn't notice the knock on the door nor the person walking through it, into the flat.

"Why is it that when I leave you here alone, you all frolic around? Hm?" Crowley's face was of pure fury, he could only hear the blood rushing in his ears as he got mad at his house plants.

"You know what?" Crowley stared at the petal in his hand before growling, "you can all die of thirst, you miserable little cabbages!"

The person—no, angel, who had walked in the door couldn't help but giggle at the situation.

"I thought I've already made enough examples for you to realize this!! Stop losing leaves! Stop—" he stopped abruptly when his hearing came back to him. Giggles. "Since when can plants giggle?"

Aziraphale, the angel, spoke up, "I suppose I now know what you do in your free time."

Crowley spun on his heel, his face pink from not just the previous anger. "Aziraphale!"

"Yes, that's me."

"I uh, what are you doing here?" Crowley asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Aziraphale smiled, "I came to see if you'd like to go for a walk with me but I see you're busy."

"No! No, I'm not uh, I'm not busy," Crowley shrugged awkwardly, dismissing his previous activities with a wave of his hand.

"Great! Come on then," Aziraphale walked over the door.

Crowley narrowed his eyes but followed him. Who wouldn't give up an opportunity to make fun of him? Even if they were an angel.

The two walked down the chilly street, a cold breeze drifting past them. Crowley shivered, despite having a human body, he was still reptilian. Cold? No thanks.

Aziraphale noticed this and grinned, "Crowley."

"Yes, Angel?" He glanced over at the slightly shorter entity.

"Would you like to wear my jacket? Or should I just scare you into being warm?" The angel's grin widened.

Crowley sighed, "bless, Angel. You're not going to let that go, are you?"

"Not for today, let me have my fun," he giggled and took off his large jacket, draping it over the taller man's shoulders.

The demon clutched the jacket close and muttered a small "thank you" to the angel, just hoping he didn't notice that the pink in his face wasn't from the cold.

"No worries, my dear," Aziraphale smiled his trademark smile, which included staring at Crowley like he was the greatest thing ever created. Crowley loved that smile, he could watch Aziraphale's eyes light up all day and when he looked at him like that? It practically made Crowley melt inside, it made him feel worth something. Made him feel more than just a demon.

"Now, now, are you going to stare holes into me too? Or is that just for the plants?"

Crowley groaned.

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