Slurpee For All and All for Slurpee

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Matching: Aziraphale x Crowley
Song: None
Written: June 13

Aziraphale's eyes widened. "Wait. You mean to tell me that you've never had a Slurpee?"

"That's what I'm saying," Crowley glanced and chuckled at Aziraphale's shocked face.

Aziraphale shook his head, "6000 years on Earth and you've never had a Slurpee?"

Crowley rolled his eyes, "what's so 'utterly brilliant' about this 'Slurpee' thing that you must make a big deal about it?"

The angel let out a strangled noise, "well for one, it's a Slurpee!"

"Okay...? And?" Crowley looked at him, hands still on the wheel as he drove.

"Crowley! Eyes on the road!" Aziraphale scolded the demon before sighing, "I suppose you'll only understand its brilliance if you taste it yourself. We must travel to Denmark!"

"Denmark? Why Denmark?" Crowley frowned. Well unless he wants to go to North America..

"Just trust me."

Crowley turned in his seat, letting go of the steering wheel and taking his eyes off the road—mostly to scare Aziraphale. But don't let that fool you, he'd never intentionally hurt the angel.

"Trust you, hm? Convince me."

"B-because... I'm an angel..?"

"You have to try harder than that, darling," he snickered.

Aziraphale was distracted, trying to focus on the road and Crowley, all while promising himself that Crowley wouldn't let them be discorporated. "Because... because I'm your friend?"

Crowley stared at the uncomfortable angel for a while and nodded, turning back to the road much to Aziraphale's relief. "Okay. Sure. Where to in Denmark?" He asked as he cursed—blessed?—his Bentley to drive faster.


"The home town of our dear old—or dead—friend, Hans Christian Anderson, eh? If you say so, Angel," the demon smirked at his friend before the car sped off into the evening.


"So this is a Slurpee.." Crowley hummed, he tilted his head as he examined the slush drink, his eyes glimmered with curiosity.

The pair had arrived in Odense at exactly 3:19am. Aziraphale directed him to the nearest 7-Eleven and the two got Slurpees (Aziraphale got one filled with different kinds of pop flavoured, while Crowley got a cherry and grape one). The two sat in the parked car to drink them.

"Mhm!" Aziraphale grinned, gulping his own down, once it was easily finished,—you could say he built up a resistance to the cold over the years—he put his empty cup in his door's cup holder.

Crowley grinned, "a wonderful drink." He attempted to chug it but suddenly groaned, clutching his forehead. "What is this madness?"

Aziraphale burst out laughing at his friend's pain, "it's called a brain freeze! I guess I forgot to warn you.."

"'Forgot', mhm, sure, Angel," Crowley shook his head, groaning in pain. Aziraphale just shrugged with a grin. "Ah ha, so there is a mischievous side to you. 6000 years and it finally shows," Crowley chuckled, putting his drink in his door's cup holder.

"What can I say? I've had some bad influences," the not-so-angel giggled.

"Well played, Darling. But at that game, I always win," he smirked and attacked Aziraphale.

The platinum-blond, curly-haired male squealed in protest as his grinning friend tickled him. Aziraphale attempted to curl up in a ball, trying to protect himself from the demon. Let's say it didn't work.

The suit wearing, dark haired make only smiled wider and got on top of Aziraphale to tickle him. Crowley eventually managed to pin Aziraphale's hands above his head, against the head-rest.

During the mini one-sided fight, Crowley managed to straddle the angel, one leg on either side of Aziraphale's stomach. Crowley also had the angel's arms pinned above him, leaving the male helpless. Not only this but their faces were merely inches—four and three quarters, in fact—apart. They could feel each other's hot breath tickle their own face as they stared into each other's eyes.

Crowley's face turned beat red when he noticed their position, Aziraphale wasn't far behind. He may have been an angel but he was no idiot.

Crowley licked his lips nervously and leaned in just a little, Aziraphale swallowed. He knew what came next and during this time, he only felt two things. Lust and fear. Lust for obvious reasons, who was he to turn down his best friend—who happened to be a demon—when he himself had daydreamed about this day? The day they kissed? Fear almost dominated because, well, what good is an angel who gives in to sin? To lustful desires?

The two almost touched noses when a knock on the window interrupted them. Aziraphale shrieked in surprise, Crowley just frowned, backed up a little and rolled down the window.


It was a teenage boy with an athletic build, he had shortly cropped brown hair and dark skin. The boy stared at the two and spoke in Danish, "I'm sorry sirs, but you're not allowed to do.. that.. here. This is a public parking lot."

Crowley rolled his eyes, "and yet, it's the middle of the night. You're the only other one here so if you could kindly shoo," he made a shoo motion with his hand.

"Sir, I'm afraid you'll have to leave," the boy crossed his arms. To anyone else, it would've been threatening but little did the teen know, he was dealing with a demon and an angel. One who was a blushing mess, unable to cover his face, and the other was not happy. I'll let you guess who is who.

Crowley rolled his eyes and waved his hand, and half of the teenage boy melted into maggots. The part that was left was a teenage girl with an acne covered face and lots of flab. The complete opposite of what the boy had looked like.

"What was that supposed to do?" The boy—er, girl, froze at her higher voice. She clutched her throat and ran off, her long, curly brown hair swishing behind her.

Crowley rolled up the window and turned to the squirming angel. He leaned down and whispered in Aziraphale's ear, thought it came out more like a lustful hiss, "we'll finissh thisss later."

A/N- Anybody notice the time I set it at? If you didn't notice, read it backwards. Then try to associate it with the beginning of episode one. :)

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