My Sick Demon

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This one was inspired by a one-shot by BlueMeanieAt221B .

Matching: Aziraphale x Crowley
Song: None
Written: June 11

     Aziraphale looked up, startled from his book when he heard a sneeze. "My stars, Crowley. I doubt I've ever heard you sneeze!"

     Crowley shrugged and opened his mouth to say something, anything, but he sneezed again, this one shook his whole body.

     "Are you alright?" Aziraphale placed a book mark in between the pages and closed the book gently. He stood, placing a hand on the sitting demon's shoulder.

     Said demon nodded his head, "yes, I'm... I'm f-fine. Ah-choo!"  He sneezed one again, Aziraphale watched as Crowley shrunk and twisted shapes.

     In Crowley's place was a snake with deep red and black scales, and piercing yellow-golden eyes.

     Aziraphale giggled, "did you just.. turn into a snake by accident?" The snake glared at him, making Aziraphale giggle even more. "So I assume you're sick or this is a prank. You'd never be caught in this form. Not since you embarrassed yourself last time," he snickered.

     Last time Crowley turned into a snake, it was to prank Queen Victoria to cheer her up, since she was still upset about Albert's death and well.. let's just say he had lots of bruises, cuts and makeup splotches when he turned back into a human. For mourning royalty, she has very excellent aim.

     The snake slithered up the side of the table, curling into a ball in the centre. "And I guess that's a yes to the 'sick' option." Crowley flicked his tail in Aziraphale's direction, grumbling—though it came out more of a hiss.

     "Come on, Crowley," the angel picked Crowley up gently, the snake moved so he was laying comfortably in Aziraphale's arms. "Let's get you to bed."

     The angel, carefully as to not disturb his sick demon serpent friend, carried him to Aziraphale's apartment upstairs. To the bedroom he went, he placed Crowley on his bed gently and went to pull away but said demon coiled around his arm.

     "Don't go?" The snake hissed pleadingly. It's not everyday you get a begging demon snake

     Aziraphale smiled, "if you want, I'll be right back. I'm going to get some more blankets."

     The snake nodded slowly and let go of his angel friend, he watched as Aziraphale left the room and immediately shapeshifted back to his human form.

     Aziraphale came back with an abundance of blankets, smiling when he realized that Crowley had become human again. Said demon laid sprawled out in the middle of the bed, breathing heavily.

     The angel placed the extra blankets at the end of the bed and chuckled, "y'know, I think you'd be less cold if you went under the covers."

     Crowley opened his eyes and looked at Aziraphale, he nodded, "perhaps." He slowly receded under the covers and curled up in a fetal position.

     After a few minutes, just to be sure, Aziraphale asked, "are you still cold?" Crowley just nodded, more blankets covered the demon yet he still shivered. This went on until there were no blankets left and the poor demon still had shivers running down his spine.

     Aziraphale sighed and took off his shoes, he crawled under the covers, much to Crowley's surprise. "What're you—oh." He was cut off by Aziraphale wrapping his warm arms around the demon, warming him with body heat. His, Crowley's, heavy breathing immediately ceased and returned to normal.

     Crowley smiled and placed his forehead against Aziraphale's collarbone. He muttered out a few jumbled words.

     "I'm sorry, what was that?" Aziraphale smiled down at the demon.

     "I said, thank you, Angel," he repeated and glanced up. "Thanks for taking care of me, you're a great person, y'know?"

     Aziraphale chuckled, "it's my pleasure. Besides, when have I ever had the chance to take care of my sick demon?"

     "Your sick demon, huh?" Crowley grinned mischievously up at the angel and then rested his head back down.

     It was silent for a few moments before Aziraphale said, "yeah. My sick demon.." But to his disappointment, Crowley was already fast asleep, curled up in Aziraphale's arms.

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