Its Raining, It's Pouring~

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Do you guys ever just... crave the smell of rain?

--> not edited. I'm too lazy and haven't updated in a while. Hope this satisfies you all while I work on the next one!

Thank you all so much for commenting, voting and reading this. It gives me confidence in my writing skills. Don't hesitate to point out a mistake (grammatical, punctuation, a word spelt wrong, or even something that doesn't line up with the book)!

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to: LokiTheBest01 for writing my one-shot book in Turkish!!! So thanks a bunch!!

Pairing: Aziraphale x Crowley
Song: A Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
Written: July 15

     "But Aziraphale, it's raining outside," Anthony J (Jsnenkwsjdnisjs, you know who you are xD) Crowley stated the obvious, rolling his golden eyes.

     Aziraphale smiled and shook his head slightly, "well, my dear, I thought we could take a walk in the rain. My bookshop is only a few blocks away."

     Crowley expressed his distaste of the idea through a sigh, but nodded nonetheless, "alright, Angel. Let's get going then." He opened the door to the small cafe for Aziraphale to pass through.

     The two stood in the doorway, under the awning, watching the rain pound down on the pavement. It was Nine pm and pouring, no sane being would be out there, yet.. here were these two, about to walk home in it.

     Crowley started first, walking forwards and into the pouring rain. When he noticed Aziraphale wasn't with him, he glanced back impatiently, "Come on, Angel. Let's get this over with. Faster we can get home, faster we'll be warm again."

     Aziraphale apologized, not mentioning Crowley's use of 'home', and hurried to walk beside his demon friend. The Supernatural entities walked through the rain silently, sneaking little glances at each other.

     Crowley scuffed his feet as he walked—read: swaggered—down the road. Yes, down the road. The pair wandered down the middle of the road, not caring. There were no cars, anyways.

     Aziraphale glanced over and chuckled at Crowley's deep red hair, which, from the rain, had flattened itself against his forehead.

     "What?" Crowley inquired innocently and wiped some raindrops off his face. He had long since taken off his glasses—they were covered in raindrops and kept fogging up—and placed them in his pocket.

     The curly-haired angel just shook his head, smiling, "nothing, nothing."

     The serpent frowned slightly, but let it go. He halted in his tracks, hearing music filter out from a bar down a side street. The song was definitely familiar but.. who'd be playing it at a bar?

     "Crowley?" Aziraphale stopped and looked back at his demon friend. "Crowley, what's wrong?"

     "Angel? Come here, would you?" The serpentine-eyed demon gestured him over.

     "Uh... yes, my dear?" Aziraphale asked, stopping a rough two feet away from the demon.

     Crowley said nothing but held out his hand, he didn't even glance at the angel. The demon just stuck out his hand, palm facing up to the sky. Aziraphale, after a quick hesitation, took it and immediately squeaked as he was yanked closer.

     Crowley placed a hand on the angel's hip and entwined their fingers with his left. Aziraphale's other hand instinctively went to Crowley's shoulder to create some space between the two as Crowley had over-predicted how much force it'd take to get Aziraphale closer, resulting in them almost colliding.

     "I, um.. Cr-Crowley, my dear, what are.. what are you doing?" Aziraphale asked nervously, his eyes widening with shock as the situation finally settled in.

     Crowley hummed, swaying them softly in the spot, "Why, Angel, I'm dancing, of course."

      Aziraphale's eyebrows knit together, "in the rain? I thought you didn't like th-" he squeaked again when Crowley pulled him closer, so close that the demon could feel the angel's body heat radiating off of him.

     "Sh-shh, Angel. Don't question everything I do, for once." Crowley's eyes closed, and he swayed gently. He whispered under his breath, "Let me have this... please."

     The angel only grew more confused with the last sentence. Why was Crowley pleading for this? Whatever makes the spontaneous demon happy, he supposes. Probably another temptation attempt.

     Little did the angel know, the barely audible song that rang quietly through the air was Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen, one Crowley related to in the slightest.

     Crowley hummed along to the song softly, and spontaneously twirled Aziraphale, another surprised squeak escaping. The demon chuckled and opened his serpentine eyes, noticing how close their faces were after the twirl.

     Without a second thought, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on Aziraphale's forehead.

     Said angel was mentally freaking out. Here was the big bad demon being soft, kissing his forehead and dancing in the rain to a love song.

     Crowley listened as the song finished and released the angel. He stepped back, offered a smile to the angel and continued on his merry way down the middle of the street. Let's just say the serpentine demon was craving some wine.

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