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"Thea darling please come here"yelled her dad from upstairs

" I'll be there in a second." She replied pausing the movie she was watching

When she got to the top of the stairs she saw her father sitting at his desk looking at his computer. As she walked in he looked up from his computer.

" Hey darling sorry to bug you but I just wanted to ask if you you would like to come help me with my next movie?" He asked standing up and walking towards her.

" What a silly question! Of course I'll come! When do we leave?" She asked very excited

" We leave in a week. The filming will be in Germany so be prepared for a long flight." He chuckled as he sat back down

" that's fine by me. So who else will be in the movie?" I asked

" some kid named Taron Egerton. He's quite cute." He said winking at me

" really funny dad. Well I'm going to go finish my movie. Let me know what you need from the market because I'm leaving when my movie is over." I said waking away

" alrighty sweetie. I'll give you a list before you leave." He said getting back to work on his computer.

When Thea got back downstairs she resumed the movie that she was watching which was Insidious. The movie was almost over and she knew what was going to happen so she got on her phone to check out this Taron Egerton guy.

When she pulled up his Instagram she scrolled through and saw that's he actually was quite cute which made her even more excited to go with her dad to Germany.

" alrighty dad I'm leaving!" Thea yelled

" come get the list!" Her dad yelled back.

She quickly ran back upstairs and grabbed the list and ran back down. Thea grabbed her keys and left the house.

Oh her way to the market she was listening to Elton John currently the song " Honky Cat" was playing but was coming to an end. The next song to play was " Bennie And The Jets" Thea absolutely loved this song so she turned the volume all the way up.

" YoU kNoW i ReAd iT iN a MaGaZinE" she yelled pulling into the market parking lot.

Thea parked her car, grabbed her list, and got a cart.

On her way in the door she was stopped by a young girl.

" mom look it's Cinderella!!!" She yelled at her mom.

" well hello there princess how are you today?" She asked walking towards the blond little girl.

" Well my name is Maria and I'm doing amazing!!! You are so beautiful Cinderella!" She said giving Thea a hug.

" well how about we take a picture!" Thea said getting down on her knees so she was eye to eye with Maria.

After they took a picture Maria's mom thanked Thea and the mother and daughter got into their car.

When Thea got into the market she put her sunglasses on and put her hood up so that no one else would recognize her. As she made it down the vegetable section of the market she got a call from her dad.

Sorry but quick A/n..the black lettering will be Thea and the regular lettering will be her dad!

" hello"
" hey Thea. I'm so sorry to have to do this but we have to leave for Germany in 4 days now because I have to help set up the set and learn how to ski I guess. I can book you a plane for the original time we here going to go if you don't want to come they early."
" oh gosh dad. I mean I will go. I don't want to be alone so I will come with you."
" alrighty sweetie. Thanks for understanding. I will see you back at home! Bye"
" bye"

After she got done calling her dad she finished up at the market and drove home.

———-time skip cuz I'm lazy lolz——-

The past three days where crazy for Thea and her father but today is the day the both leave for Germany.

" Thea the cab will be here in thirty minutes to take us to the airport! Are you ready?!" Her dad yelled from the bottom of the steps.

" yes I'm ready!! I'll be down in a second I have to use the restroom." She yelled back.

Thea quickly used the restroom and gathered her stuff and walked downstairs. Once she got down there she sat on the couch and got on Instagram. She always kept her notifications off because they got annoying after a while. Once she got on she saw the Taron Egerton requested to DM me. When she looked at it it said...

" hello so very sorry to bug you but I'm Taron and I'm going to be working on a film with your father and you seemed pretty cool I'm Cinderella so I would love to get to know you better!"

So she replied with

" hello Taron! You are not bugging me at all!! And I would love to get to know you!! My dad has told me that you where going to be in this film! And it makes it very convenient to become friends because I'm going to be in set most days!"

Very quickly he replied with

" Oh gosh that's super cool!! Well Thea I hope to see you soon!!"

I finished the conversation with

" I hope to see you too Taron! Have a safe flight!"

Right as I finished my last sentence the doorbell rang and we had to leave.

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