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• the povs in this chapter might be confusing sorry•

When Taron's plane landed he was the first one off due to the fact that he was a celebrity. When he was fully off the plane he started to walk to the baggage claim so he could get his bags.

Taron could hear the paparazzi calling his name and it started to annoy him so he stopped and stood there for a bit so they could get his picture. After 2 minutes of standing there he walked over to the baggage claim and grabbed his bag.

After he got his bag he started to walk to where he was told his cab was waiting for him. When he got there a guy standing there with a white board in his arms with Taron's name on it. Taron waved to the guy and the cab driver excoriated him to the cab.

The drive to his hotel was about 1 hour away from the airport so he decided to take a nap because he didn't sleep much on the plane.

• Thea's POV ( 3rd person I think lol) •

When Thea's plane landed she and her dad where off the plane first because they are celebrities. When they got off the plane the security already had their bags at the gate so they didn't have to pass through the paparazzi.

Thea and her dad grabbed their bags and started to walk to where their cab was waiting for them but they had to go through the back doors to get to the front. When they got their the cab driver was waiting patiently for them.

The they got into the cab Thea's dad sat in the front while she had the whole back to herself. Thea grabbed the laptop out of her bag and did some research on a movie she might audition for.

While Thea did that her dad slept because he loves to sleep and the trip was an hour long so he took that opportunity to sleep.

• not sure what POV this is now lol•

When Taron got to the hotel he checked into his room and headed to the café for some lunch/ dinner.

When Thea and her father got to the hotel they checked into their rooms ( her dad got them separate rooms because he wanted his own room) and her dad went up to the room while Thea stayed down in the lobby and checked out the menu for the café.

Thea decided to go back to her room because she didn't like the food choices. While she was waiting for the elevator she got a text from her dad and it said.

• black and bold is Hugh and regular is Thea•
Hey sweetie I'm going to the café. Do you want anything?
No thanks dad I'm not that hungry.
Alrighty just let me know if you change your mind. But if you decide not to eat anything you might want to get stuff ready for tomorrow and get to bed because we will have a VERY early morning tomorrow.
Alrighty. Thanks dad I'll let you know if I need anything.

So Thea decided to take a shower then go to bed.

Taron's POV
When I got to the café I was the only one in there so that was very nice.

Hello sir what can I get for you said the waitress

Hi can I get a coffee with cream and a chocolate muffin I said back

Of course! I will put your order in and I'll be back with your coffee she said leaving

When she left I saw someone entering the café and it was Hugh Jackman.....wait that means Thea is here!

I decided to not make it obvious that I knew he was here. Then all of a sudden I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I looked up and it was Hugh.

I stood up and said

Hello I'm Taron.

Hello Taron, I'm Hugh. He replied putting his hand out for me to shake so I did and I offered for him to sit with me which he did.

So Taron I really want you to meet my daughter Thea if that's ok? He said looking at me

Well of course! I said back secretly fangirling

Alrighty let me text her. He said pulling out his phone.

Thea's POV
when I got out of the shower I got another text from my dad.

Hey Thea sorry to bug you again but Taron is in the café and I want you to come down so you can meet him.
Ok dad let me get changed and I'll be down.
Alrighty sweetie be quick please.

OMG TARON IS DOWNSTAIRS!!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet him! I quickly put on this on

OMG TARON IS DOWNSTAIRS!!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet him! I quickly put on this on

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And made my way downstairs.

When I got onto the elevator I let my dad know that I was on my way down and I want a coffee.

When I got downstairs I walked to the café and when I walked in Taron stood up and walked to me and......

Thehehe cliffhanger;)

I really hope you guys are enjoying this story! And I know there are some spelling errors in the second chapter and I will edit the whole story when it's finished!

The next two chapters will be out sometime next week!♥️

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