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" hello Thea is so nice to meet you!" Taron said pulling me into a tight hug.

" hello Taron! It's nice to meet you too!" I said hugging him back.

" are you hungry? Your dad has coffee waiting for you." He said guiding me to where my dad was sitting

" thank you Taron but I'm really tired so I think I'll just take my coffee upstairs. But would you like to come with me to breakfast in the morning?" I asked looking into his beautiful green/ blue eyes.

" I would love too!" He said smiling at me and I could see his cheeks turn a bit pink which made me blush a bit too.

" alrighty then I'll see you tomorrow." I said grabbing my coffee and waving goodbye

Not long after I left I got a text from my dad

Good job making the first move. Date him please;)
Ugh dad shut up!
You know you like him
Whatever. Goodnight.
Goodnight sweetheart

When I got up to my room I laid out what I was going to wear in the morning which was

When I got up to my room I laid out what I was going to wear in the morning which was

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And I went to bed.

Taron's POV
When Thea left I sat back down at the table and smiled at the ground totally forgetting that her father was sitting across from me.

"she likes you."He said out of nowhere

" sorry what did you say?" I asked thinking I misheard him

" Thea likes you. I know because of the way she looks at you and I was spying on her while I was " asleep" and she was watching your movies and would silently freak out whenever you winked." He said finishing his drink

" oh goodness. I hope we get to become good friends and I will treat her well Mr. Jackman. But I do think I should go get some rest so I'm not cranky during filming tomorrow. Have a goodnight." I said leaving the café.

When I got back to my room I did a silent victory dance because of what her dad said. I'm so excited to see her tomorrow.

When I got changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth and laid out what I was going to wear tomorrow which is

When I got changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth and laid out what I was going to wear tomorrow which is

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