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Thea's POV
I woke up to my loud alarm going off. I looked at my phone and it was 7:45 and I have  to be at set at 8:00 so I have 15 minutes to get dressed, do my makeup and grab coffee so I quickly ran into the bathroom and threw on some light makeup and put on this

 I looked at my phone and it was 7:45 and I have  to be at set at 8:00 so I have 15 minutes to get dressed, do my makeup and grab coffee so I quickly ran into the bathroom and threw on some light makeup and put on this

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And quickly left my room.

When I got down to the café I told the very nice waitress that I need a coffee to go and I need it very quick and she rushed off.

I looked at the phone and it said 7:53. I started to panic so I texted Taron.

Hey T can you tell Dexter that I'm going to be a bit late I woke up late.
Of course Tater! Do you need a ride?
Umm maybe lol could you come pick me up? I'm at the café.

When I sent that text I felt someone hug me from behind and I squealed a bit.

" you do know that we don't have to be at the set until 8:30 right" I knew exactly who it was...Taron

" are you kiddinggggg meeeeee!" I said turning to face him

" yeppers. By the way you look gorgeous today." He said looking me up and down making me blush

" oh shut up Egerton you are such a flirt." I said pushing him on the shoulder making him giggle

After Taron calmed down from his giggling fit I could hear some clicking noise in the distance and I couldn't figure out what it was

" do you hear that T? That clicking noise?" I asked Taron

" yeah I do." He said looking around trying to find where the sound was coming from.

" oh look it's the paparazzi." He said pointing to the window closest to us.

" oh great. 20 bucks that in the next hour or two we will see a article about us            " dating"." I said making fake air quotes with my fingers

" deal." He said an out of nowhere he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek vet close to my lips.

" 20 dollars please." He said putting his hand out

" you are so annoying you do know that right." I said giving him 20 dollars

" you love me." He said winking at me

" you right." I said giggling

Then the nice waitress tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a cup of coffee to go. I said thank you and left with Taron.

I didn't sign up for you~ T•EWhere stories live. Discover now