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Thea's POV
When I got to my house I when up to my room and sat on my bed.

I took out my phone and when I opened it I was bombarded with text, calls, and FaceTimes from Taron. I swiped them until they where all cleared and I opened my photos app.

When I opened it I looked through all the pictures of Taron and I. I came across my favorite picture of us it was.

 I came across my favorite picture of us it was

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I thought about that picture for a while.

I thought " I wonder if Taron took pictures like this with that girl?"

And " I wonder how long they have been dating behind my back?"

The doorbell brought me out of my thoughts so I ran downstairs and said.

" Taron I swear to god if you came to apologize then I don't want to hear it."

Then when I opened the door I was surprised with who i saw standing there.

"Richard Madden?!" I said really happily.

" hi Thea I hope this isn't a bad time but I was in town and I wanted to catchup!" He said cheerfully.

" no you are fine!! I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I thought you where Taron." I said looking down.

" Egerton?" He asked

" yeah. He cheated on me and I found out and I thought he would have came here to try and apologize." I said back

" oh I'm so sorry Thea!!!" He said giving me a big warm hug.

" Thanks Richard. Please come in!!" I said opening the door.

We talked for what felt like hours and I felt really at home when I talked with Richard.

Richard and I really hit it off during the filming of Cinderella and we both had feelings for each other but thought that it would be best to not date because of the worry from both of us that our friendship would break if we broke up.

But when as we talked I realized how much I really missed him.

" I know it's really short notice but my " roommate" is having a girl over and I rather not be home while that happens so is it ok if I stay here tonight?" He asked

" yeah of course!! We have an extra bedroom!" I said really happy inside

" thank you so much bumblebee." He said giving me a big smile.

I love that nickname....so when Richard and I where filming Cinderella we where doing an outside scene and there was a bumblebee that was chasing me around and I fell into Richard and that's how we met.

Taron's POV

When Thea left I knew I lost her.

That night I decided to not chase her because I knew that would make her mad so I sent Maddie ( the girl he was cheating on Thea with) home and I stayed in my hotel room.

Thea is my everything and I screwed it up because I let a crazy fan come to my room because she was " lost" and she attacked Yme and Thea saw.

I need to decide what to do so I'm going to call my mum and ask her what to do.

Richard's POV

When I was talking with Thea I realized how much I missed her and I'm just going to say that my roommate is not having a girl over.

Taron's POV

When I got off the phone with my mum she told me to give her a couple days to cool down and process what's going on.

So I decided that on her birthday ( 2 weeks from now) I will go to her house and see how she's doing.

Richard's POV

" so your birthday is coming up her soon...wanna do something?" I asked

" I would love too!!" She said smiling at me

" how about we stay in our pjs all day and watch movies?" I said

" sounds like a great day to me!" She said back.

Thea's POV

When he asked me to do something on my birthday with him I didn't take anytime to say yes.

" well Richard I'm not feeling to great at the moment so I think I'm going to go to bed." I said standing up.

" ok bumblebee. I'm so unbelievably sorry about what happened. I want you to know that I am here for you and I love you." He said pulling me into a big hug and he kissed me on my head.

" well the guest room is upstairs and to you right and my room is right across from you if you need anything at all!" I said leaving

" ok thanks." He said and went to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink I presume.

Later that night.

I woke up with the memory of Taron making out with that girl and I started to sob.

I guess I sobbed so loud Richard heard.

" love what's wrong?" He asked walking in.

" I'm just hurt badly Rich." I said as he sat on my bed and put his arms around me

" it will be ok. He doesn't know what he did. He lost the most amazing girl on this planet." He said kissing my head and started to get up to leave but I said

" Richard will you stay with me?"

" of course love." He said and laid back down and I cuddled into him and I fell right asleep.

I'm alive I promise.
I hope this was good. Comment and like!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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